Scalar which contains the requested number of rows the
output matrix must have.
Data Types: single| double
Scalar which contains the requested number of columns the
output matrix must have.
Data Types: single| double
Vector of length I containing the requested row totals the
output matrix must have. First element refers to the
total number of elements in the first row, ..., -th
element refers to the total number of elements in the
I-th row. In other words, nrowt=(n_{1.}, n_{2.}, \ldots, n_{I.}).
Data Types: single| double
Vector of length J containing the requested column totals the
output matrix must have. First element refers to the
total number of elements in the first column, ..., J-th
element refers to the total number of elements in the
J-th column.
In other words, ncolt=(n_{.1}, n_{.2}, \ldots, n_{.J}).
Data Types: single| double
Specify optional comma-separated pairs of Name,Value
is the argument name and Value
is the corresponding value. Name
must appear
inside single quotes (' '
You can specify several name and value pair arguments in any order as
, 'algorithm','144'
If nocheck is false (default) program checks whether
1) nrow and ncol are greater than 1;
2) min(nrowt) and min(ncolt) are strictly greater than 0;
3) length(nrowt)=I, and length(ncol)=J;
4) the sum of the elements of vector nrowt is equal to the sum of the
elements of vector ncolt, (in other words, we check whether the row and
column sum vectors have the same grand total).
To avoid all the above checks set nocheck to true.
Example: 'nocheck',true
Data Types: boolean
Character which specifies which algorithm must be used to
create the contingency table.
Possible values for algorithm are:
'144' in this case the algorithm due to Boyett (1979) is
used and the output structure will contain field
'159' in this case the algorithm due to Patefield (1979) is
used and the output structure will contain field
'all' in this case the algorithms due
to Boyett (1979) and to Patefield (1981) are
both used. The output structure out will contain both
out.matrix144 and out.matrix159.
Example: 'algorithm','144'
Data Types: character