
distribspec plots a probability density function between specification limits


  • p=distribspec(pd, specs, region)example
  • p=distribspec(pd, specs, region,Name,Value)example
  • [p, h]=distribspec(___)example


distribspec generalises the MATLAB function normspec for plotting a selected probability density function by shading the portion inside or outside given limits.


p =distribspec(pd, specs, region) Use with makedist, default settings.


p =distribspec(pd, specs, region, Name, Value) Use with makedist, default settings.


[p, h] =distribspec(___) Use with makedist, region inside.


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  • Use with makedist, default settings.
  • A uniform distribution U(3,8), in [5,6].

    distribspec(pd, [5 6], 'inside');
    distribspec(pd, [5 6], 'outside');

  • Use with makedist, default settings.
  • A standard normal distribution in [-1 1].

    pd     = makedist('Normal');
    specs  = [-1 1];
    region = 'inside';
    [p, h] = distribspec(pd, specs, region);

  • Use with makedist, region inside.
  • A Gamma with parameter values a = 3 and b = 1, in [2 3].

    close all
    pd = makedist('Gamma','a',3,'b',1);
    specs  = [2 3];
    region = 'inside';
    [p, h] = distribspec(pd, specs, region);
    Click here for the graphical output of this example (link to Ro.S.A. website).

    Related Examples

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  • Use with makedist, region outside.
  • A Beta with parameter values a = 2 and b = 4, outside [0.2 0.4].

    close all
    pd = makedist('Beta','a',2,'b',4);
    specs  = [0.2 0.4];
    region = 'outside';
    [p, h] = distribspec(pd, specs, region);

  • Use with makedist, specs with inf.
  • A Beta with parameter values a = 2 and b = 4, in [0.4 inf].

    close all
    pd = makedist('Beta','a',2,'b',4);
    specs  = [0.4 inf];
    region = 'inside';
    [p, h] = distribspec(pd, specs, region);

  • Use with makedist, specs with -inf.
  • % A Gamma with parameter values a = 3 and b = 1, up to 2.
    close all
    pd = makedist('Gamma','a',3,'b',1);
    specs  = [-inf 2];
    region = 'inside';
    [p, h] = distribspec(pd, specs, region);
    % Without specification of region the default is inside, therefore,
    % the output is identical
    pd = makedist('Gamma','a',3,'b',1);
    specs  = [-inf 2];
    [p, h] = distribspec(pd, specs);

  • Use with makedist, no specs.
  • A Gamma as above, without specification of specs: returns an error.

    close all
    pd = makedist('Gamma','a',3,'b',1);
    region = 'inside';
    [p, h] = distribspec(pd, [], region);
    'Without specification of specs, distribspec returned this error:' , ...
    'Error using distribspec' , ...
    'Please provide valid lower and upper limits for the area to highlight'));

  • Use with makedist, specs outside support.
  • A Gamma with parameter values a = 3 and b = 1, up to -1. Nothing is colored.

    close all
    pd = makedist('Gamma','a',3,'b',1);
    specs  = [-inf -1];
    region = 'inside';
    [p, h] = distribspec(pd, specs, region);

  • Use with makedist, using userColor.
  • % A Gamma as above, using userColor with standard one-character
    % specification.
    close all
    pd = makedist('Gamma','a',3,'b',1);
    specs  = [-inf 2];
    region = 'inside';
    [p, h] = distribspec(pd, specs, region, 'userColor','r');
    % same, but using userColor with RGB triplet specification.
    pd = makedist('Gamma','a',3,'b',1);
    specs  = [-inf 2];
    region = 'inside';
    [p, h] = distribspec(pd, specs, region, 'userColor',[1 0.5 0.5]);

  • Use with makedist, using userColor for each outside region.
  • close all
    pd = makedist('HalfNormal','mu',0,'sigma',1.5);
    specs  = [1 3];
    region = 'outside';
    useColor = 'cg';
    [p, h] = distribspec(pd, specs, region, 'userColor', useColor);
    useColor = [1 0.5 0.5 ; 0.5 0.8 0.3];
    [p, h] = distribspec(pd, specs, region, 'userColor', useColor);
    Click here for the graphical output of this example (link to Ro.S.A. website)

  • Use with makedist, using userColor with RGB triplet.
  • % A Half Normal using userColor with RGB triplet specification.
    % The triplet is returned by FSColors.
    close all
    pd = makedist('HalfNormal','mu',0,'sigma',1.5);
    specs  = [-inf 1];
    region = 'inside';
    RGB_vector = aux.FSColors.lightgrey.RGB;
    [p, h] = distribspec(pd, specs, region, 'userColor',RGB_vector);

  • Use with distname.
  • % A sample of n=100 elements extracted from a Nakagami.
    close all
    distname    = 'Nakagami';
    x           = random(distname,0.5,1,[100,1]);
    pd          = struct;
    pd.x        = x;
    pd.distname = distname;
    specs  = [-inf 1];
    region = 'inside';
    [p, h] = distribspec(pd, specs, region);
    Click here for the graphical output of this example (link to Ro.S.A. website)

  • Use with a sample only.
  • % A sample of n=100 elements extracted from a T(5) without distname.
    close all
    x      = random('T',5,[100,1]);
    specs  = [-inf 1.5];
    region = 'inside';
    [p, h] = distribspec(x, specs, region);
    Click here for the graphical output of this example (link to Ro.S.A. website)

  • Sample from non-parametric used-defined distribution.
  • close all
    % Data from user-defined distribution, Benford (non-parametric)
    % no parameters to estimate
    userpdf = @(n) log10(1 + 1./n);
    usercdf = @(n) log10(1 + n);
    % random sample from Benford
    n = 5000;
    u = rand(n,1);
    X = 10.^u;
    % Apply distribspec with userpdf
    specs  = [-inf 5];
    region = 'inside';
    pd          = struct;
    pd.x        = X;
    pd.distname = 'user';
    pd.userpdf  = userpdf;
    [p, h] = distribspec(pd, specs, region);   

  • Sample from parametric used-defined distribution.
  • % Data from user-defined distribution, negative exponential with one parameter 
    close all
    lambda = 5;
    userpdf = @(data,lambda) lambda*exp(-lambda*data);
    usercdf = @(data,lambda) 1-exp(-lambda*data);
    n = 500;
    X = zeros(n,1);
    u = rand(n,1);
    for i = 1:numel(u)
    fun  = @(x)integral(@(x)userpdf(x,lambda),eps,x) - u(i);
    X(i) = fzero(fun,0.5);
    % The previous two lines have the solution below, but exemplify the
    % approach for a generic function without closed formula.
    % X(i) = -(1/lambda)*log(1-u(i)); % p. 211 Mood Graybill and Boes
    %Estimate the parameter lambda of the custom distribution.
    parhat = mle(X,'pdf',userpdf,'cdf',usercdf,'start',0.05);
    % plot data as a normalised histogram and the mle of the pdf
    hold on
    title({['The sample generated by ' char(userpdf)] , ['with $\lambda=$' num2str(lambda)]} , 'Interpreter' , 'Latex');
    hold off
    % Set common specs and region settings
    specs  = [-inf 0.2];
    region = 'inside';
    % Use distribspec with both usercdf and userpdf
    pd          = struct;
    pd.x        = X;
    pd.distname = 'user';
    pd.usercdf  = usercdf;
    pd.userpdf  = userpdf;
    [p, h] = distribspec(pd, specs, region);
    % now with userpdf
    pd          = struct;
    pd.x        = X;
    pd.distname = 'user';
    pd.userpdf  = userpdf;
    [p, h] = distribspec(pd, specs, region);
    % and now with usercdf
    pd          = struct;
    pd.x        = X;
    pd.distname = 'user';
    pd.usercdf  = usercdf;
    [p, h] = distribspec(pd, specs, region);
    Click here for the graphical output of this example (link to Ro.S.A. website)

  • User-defined function, with reduced number of evaluation points.
  • % Data from user-defined distribution: Pareto (two parameters). This
    % takes a while to complete, because of difficult integration (the
    % function has singularities). Therefore, we reduce the ealuation
    % points only to 50. In this case, being the function very smooth in
    % the region of interest, the quality is not affected.
    close all
    alpha0  = 2; 
    xm0     = 4;
    % data
    n = 500;
    X = zeros(n,1);
    u = rand(n,1);
    for i = 1:numel(u)
    X(i) = alpha0*(1-u(i)).^(-1/xm0);
    % heaviside function
    hvsd = @(y) [0.5*(y == 0) + (y > 0)];
    userpdf0 = @(x) hvsd(x-xm0) .* (alpha0*4^alpha0) ./ (x.^(alpha0+1));
    xlim([-5 20]);
    title({'Pareto distribution' , '$ hvsd(x-xm_{0}) \cdot (\alpha_{0} \cdot 4^{\alpha_{0}}) / (x^{\alpha_{0}+1})$' } , 'Interpreter','latex' , 'Fontsize' , 20);
    userpdf = @(x, alpha) hvsd(x-4) .* ((alpha*4^alpha) ./ (x.^(alpha+1)));
    %userpdf = @(x, alpha, xm) hvsd(x-xm) .* ((alpha*xm^alpha) ./ (x.^(alpha+1)));
    %usercdf = @(x, alpha, xm) hvsd(x-xm) .* (1 - (xm./x).^alpha);
    % Apply distribspec with userpdf
    specs  = [5 10];
    region = 'inside';
    pd          = struct;
    pd.x        = X;
    pd.distname = 'user';
    pd.userpdf  = userpdf;
    pd.mleStart = mean(pd.x);
    pd.mleLowerBound = pd.mleStart/2;
    pd.mleUpperBound = pd.mleStart*2;
    [p, h] = distribspec(pd, specs, region, 'evalPoints', 50);
    Click here for the graphical output of this example (link to Ro.S.A. website)

  • User-defined function starting from a default matlab distribution.
  • % Here the user takes one of the functions in makedist, possibly
    % changing the number of parameters.
    close all
    alpha0  = 2; 
    xm0     = 4;
    X = wblrnd(1,1,[1000,1]) + 10;
    title({'A sample from the weibull' , '$a=1, b=1, c=10$'},'Fontsize',20,'Interpreter','latex');
    % A Weibull distribution with an extra parameter c
    userpdf = @(x,a,b,c) wblpdf(x-c,a,b);
    % Apply distribspec with userpdf
    specs  = [11 12];
    region = 'inside';
    pd          = struct;
    pd.x        = X;
    pd.distname = 'user';
    pd.userpdf  = userpdf;
    pd.mleStart = [5 5 5];
    pd.mleLowerBound = [0 0 -Inf];
    pd.mleUpperBound = [Inf Inf min(X)];
    % MLE parameters. The scale and shape parameters must be positive,
    % and the location parameter must be smaller than the minimum of the
    % sample data.
    [p, h] = distribspec(pd, specs, region, 'evalPoints', 100);
    Click here for the graphical output of this example (link to Ro.S.A. website)

    Input Arguments

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    pd — can be one of the following. - A probability density object returned by makedist.

    - A structure containing two fields: (i) pd.distname, a character array with a valid distribution name (all those accepted by makedist);

    (ii) pd.x, a numeric vector containing the data sample to be used to estimate the parameters of the distribution.

    - A structure containing three fields with these features: (i) pd.distname containing the character array 'user'.

    (ii) pd.userpdf containing a user defined function handle expressing the probability density function;

    (iii) pd.usercdf containing a user defined function handle expressing the cumulative density function;

    (iv) pd.x, a numeric vector containing the data sample to be used to estimate the parameters of the user-defined distribution. The estimation is done by maximum likelihood using MATLAB function mle.

    - A numeric vector containing a sample used to fit a probability distribution object with nonparametric kernel-smoothing.

    Other optional fields can be set to help improving the speed and quality of the results obtained for user-defined distributions.

    In particular, when a data sample is provided in pd.x, the user can add to structue pd additional fields to control the estimation of the distribution parameters made by distribspec using matlab function mle: - pd.mleStart, used as initial parameter values. The choice of the starting point is often crucial for the convergence of mle. If the initial parameter values are far from the true maximum likelihood estimate, we can obtain underflow in the distribution functions and infinite loglikelihoods.

    A reasonable choice for the initial value of a location parameter could be pd.mleStart = mean(pd.x). Similarily, for a scale parameter we could set pd.mleStart = std(pd.x).

    - pd.mleLowerBound, which indicates Lower bounds for distribution parameters. For example, if we trust pd.mleStart, we could set pd.mleLowerBound = pd.mleStart/2.

    - pd.mleUpperBound, which indicates teh Upper bounds for distribution parameters. Along the previous case, we could set pd.mleUpperBound = pd.mleStart*2;

    Data Types: single| double

    specs — the lower and upper limits of the shading area. Two element vector.

    If there is no lower limit, then specs(1)=-Inf. If there is no upper limit, then specs(2)=Inf.

    Data Types: single| double

    region — the region to shade. Character array.

    It can be either the portion 'inside' or 'outside' of the spec limits.

    Data Types: single| double

    Name-Value Pair Arguments

    Specify optional comma-separated pairs of Name,Value arguments. Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name must appear inside single quotes (' '). You can specify several name and value pair arguments in any order as Name1,Value1,...,NameN,ValueN.

    Example: 'userColor', 'b' , 'evalPoints', [1.5 3.2]

    userColor —The color of the shaded area.character, 2-element character array, RGB triplet, 2-row RGB triplet.

    The character can be any of the LineSpec colors properties of MATLAB plot function. The RGB triplet specification is defined as usual, that is with three numbers taking values in [0 1]: to generate the triplet, the user can use FSDA function FSColors. For example you can use 'userColor', 'r', or 'userColor', 'rb' or 'userColor', FSColors.lightgrey.RGB, or 'userColor', [FSColors.lightgrey.RGB ; FSColors.grey.RGB]

    Example: 'userColor', 'b'

    Data Types: character, character array, 3-element array for a RGB triplet,2-row with RGB triplets

    evalPoints —Evaluation points.scalar.

    Number of points where the the pdf is evaluated and plotted. Default is 1000. The default is ok for most cases. However, when distribspec appears too slow, try reducing the number of evaluation points. If on the contrary the plot looks not sufficiently smooth, increase the number of evaluation points.

    Example: 'evalPoints', [1.5 3.2]

    Data Types: scalar or array

    Output Arguments

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    p —Probability covered by the shaded area. Scalar

    It is a value in [0 1].

    h —Handle to the line objects. Graphic object

    Graphic handle.


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