
regressCens computes estimates of regression parameters under the censored (Tobit) model



The model is estimated by Maximum Likelihood (ML) assuming a Gaussian (normal) distribution of the error term. The maximization of the likelihood function is done by function fminunc of the optimization toolbox.


out =regressCens(y, X) Tobit regression using the affairs dataset.


out =regressCens(y, X, Name, Value) Example of right censoring.


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  • Tobit regression using the affairs dataset.
  • In the example of Kleiber and Zeileis (2008, p. 142), the number of a person's extramarital sexual inter-courses ("affairs") in the past year is regressed on the person's age, number of years married, religiousness, occupation, and won rating of the marriage. The dependent variable is left-censored at zero and not right-censored. Hence this is a standard Tobit model which can be estimated by the following lines

    load affairs.mat
    X=affairs(:,["age" "yearsmarried" "religiousness" "occupation" "rating"]);
        Total    LeftCensored    Uncensored    RightCensored
        _____    ____________    __________    _____________
         601         451            150              0      
                         betaout     sebetaout     tout         pval   
                         ________    _________    _______    __________
        (Intercept)         8.176      2.7425      2.9812     0.0029883
        age              -0.17937    0.079165     -2.2657      0.023828
        yearsmarried      0.55418     0.13463      4.1162    4.3959e-05
        religiousness     -1.6864     0.40385     -4.1757    3.4159e-05
        occupation        0.32603     0.25444      1.2814       0.20056
        rating            -2.2851     0.40801     -5.6006    3.2682e-08
        sigma              8.2473     0.55409      14.884    8.1345e-43
    Number of observations: 601, Error degrees of freedom:594
    Log-likelihood: -705.5762

  • Example of right censoring.
  • When left=-Inf and right=0 indicates that there is no left-censoring but there is a right censoring at 0. The same model as above but with the negative number of affairs as teh dependent variable can be estimated by

    load affairs.mat
    X=affairs(:,["age" "yearsmarried" "religiousness" "occupation" "rating"]);
    % This estimation returns beta parameters that have the opposite sign of
    % the beta parameters in the original model, but the estimate of sigma does
    % not change.
        Total    LeftCensored    Uncensored    RightCensored
        _____    ____________    __________    _____________
         601          0             150             451     
                         betaout     sebetaout     tout         pval   
                         ________    _________    _______    __________
        (Intercept)        -8.176      2.7425     -2.9812     0.0029883
        age               0.17937    0.079165      2.2657      0.023828
        yearsmarried     -0.55418     0.13463     -4.1162    4.3959e-05
        religiousness      1.6864     0.40385      4.1757    3.4159e-05
        occupation       -0.32603     0.25444     -1.2814       0.20056
        rating             2.2851     0.40801      5.6006    3.2682e-08
        sigma              8.2473     0.55409      14.884    8.1345e-43
    Number of observations: 601, Error degrees of freedom:594
    Log-likelihood: -705.5762

    Related Examples

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  • Example of right censoring with X a table with categorical variables.
  • When left=-Inf and right=0 indicates that there is no left-censoring but there is a right censoring at 0. The same model as above but with the negative number of affairs as teh dependent variable can be estimated by

    load affairs.mat
    X=affairs(:,["age" "yearsmarried" "religiousness" "occupation" "rating"]);
    % This estimation returns beta parameters that have the opposite sign of
    % the beta parameters in the original model, but the estimate of sigma does
    % not change.
        Total    LeftCensored    Uncensored    RightCensored
        _____    ____________    __________    _____________
         601          0             150             451     
                         betaout     sebetaout     tout         pval   
                         ________    _________    _______    __________
        (Intercept)        -8.176      2.7425     -2.9812     0.0029883
        age               0.17937    0.079165      2.2657      0.023828
        yearsmarried     -0.55418     0.13463     -4.1162    4.3959e-05
        religiousness      1.6864     0.40385      4.1757    3.4159e-05
        occupation       -0.32603     0.25444     -1.2814       0.20056
        rating             2.2851     0.40801      5.6006    3.2682e-08
        sigma              8.2473     0.55409      14.884    8.1345e-43
    Number of observations: 601, Error degrees of freedom:594
    Log-likelihood: -705.5762

  • Another example with right censoring.
  • This example is taken from Consider the situation in which we have a measure of academic aptitude (scaled 200-800) which we want to model using reading and math test scores, as well as, the type of program the student is enrolled in (academic, general, or vocational). The problem here is that students who answer all questions on the academic aptitude test correctly receive a score of 800, even though it is likely that these students are not “truly” equal in aptitude. The same is true of students who answer all of the questions incorrectly. All such students would have a score of 200, although they may not all be of equal aptitude.

    % The dataset contains 200 observations. The academic aptitude variable is
    % "apt", the reading and math test scores are read and math respectively. The
    % variable prog is the type of program the student is in, it is a
    % categorical (nominal) variable that takes on three values, academic
    % general, and vocational (prog = 3). 
    % The scatterplot matrix is shown below
    spmplot(XX(:,[1 2 4]));
    % Now let’s look at the data descriptively. Note that in this dataset, the
    % lowest value of apt is 352. That is, no students received a score of 200
    % (the lowest score possible), meaning that even though censoring from
    % below was possible, it does not occur in the dataset.
    % Define y and X
    X=XX(:,["read", "math" "prog"]);
    % Call regressCens
    % Show the plot of fitted vs residuals
    xlabel('Fitted values (yhat)')
        read: 200×1 double
                Min          28   
                Median       50   
                Max          76   
        math: 200×1 double
                Min          33   
                Median       52   
                Max          75   
        prog: 200×1 categorical
                academic         45   
                general         105   
                vocational       50   
        apt: 200×1 double
                Min         352   
                Median      633   
                Max         800   
        Total    LeftCensored    Uncensored    RightCensored
        _____    ____________    __________    _____________
         200          0             183             17      
                           betaout    sebetaout     tout         pval   
                           _______    _________    _______    __________
        (Intercept)         209.57      32.774      6.3943    1.1763e-09
        read                2.6979     0.61879        4.36    2.1086e-05
        math                5.9145      0.7099      8.3314    1.4325e-14
        prog_general       -12.715      12.406     -1.0249        0.3067
        prog_vocational    -46.144      13.724     -3.3623    0.00093125
        sigma               65.677      3.4827      18.858    9.5605e-46
    Number of observations: 200, Error degrees of freedom:194
    Log-likelihood: -1041.0629
    Click here for the graphical output of this example (link to Ro.S.A. website)

    Input Arguments

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    y — Response variable. Vector.

    Response variable, specified as a vector of length n, where n is the number of observations. Each entry in y is the response for the corresponding row of X.

    Data Types: array or table

    X — Predictor variables in the regression equation. Matrix.

    Matrix of explanatory variables (also called 'regressors') of dimension n x (p-1) where p denotes the number of explanatory variables including the intercept. Rows of X represent observations, and columns represent variables. By default, there is a constant term in the model, unless you explicitly remove it using input option intercept, so do not include a column of 1s in X. Missing values (NaN's) and infinite values (Inf's) are allowed, since observations (rows) with missing or infinite values will automatically be excluded from the computations.

    Data Types: array or table

    Name-Value Pair Arguments

    Specify optional comma-separated pairs of Name,Value arguments. Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name must appear inside single quotes (' '). You can specify several name and value pair arguments in any order as Name1,Value1,...,NameN,ValueN.

    Example: 'bsb',[3 5 20:30] , 'dispresults',true , 'left',1 , 'initialbeta',[3 8] , 'intercept',false , 'nocheck',false , 'right',800 ,'optmin.Display','off'

    bsb —units forming subset.vector.

    m x 1 vector.

    The default value of bsb is 1:length(y), that is all units are used to compute parameter estimates.

    Example: 'bsb',[3 5 20:30]

    Data Types: double

    dispresults —Display results of final fit.boolean.

    If dispresults is true, labels of coefficients, estimated coefficients, standard errors, tstat and p-values are shown on the screen in a fully formatted way. The default value of dispresults is false.

    Example: 'dispresults',true

    Data Types: logical

    left —left limit for the censored dependent variable.scalar.

    If set to -Inf, the dependent variable is assumed to be not left-censored; default value of left is zero (classical Tobit model).

    Example: 'left',1

    Data Types: double

    initialbeta —initial estimate of beta.vector.

    p x 1 vector. If initialbeta is not supplied (default) standard least squares is used to find initial estimate of beta

    Example: 'initialbeta',[3 8]

    Data Types: double

    intercept —Indicator for constant term.true (default) | false.

    Indicator for the constant term (intercept) in the fit, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'Intercept' and either true to include or false to remove the constant term from the model.

    Example: 'intercept',false

    Data Types: boolean

    nocheck —Check input arguments.boolean.

    If nocheck is equal to true no check is performed on supplied structure model

    Example: 'nocheck',false

    Data Types: logical

    right —right limit for the censored dependent variable.scalar.

    If set to Inf, the dependent variable is assumed to be not right-censored; default value of left is Inf (classical Tobit model).

    Example: 'right',800

    Data Types: double

    optmin —It contains the options dealing with the maximization algorithm.structure.

    Use optimset to set these options.

    Notice that the maximization algorithm which is used is fminunc if the optimization toolbox is present else is fminsearch.

    Example: 'optmin.Display','off'

    Data Types: double

    Output Arguments

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    out — description Structure

    Structure which contains the following fields

    Value Description

    p-by-3 matrix containing: 1st col = Estimates of regression coefficients;

    2nd col = Standard errors of the estimates of regression coefficients;

    3rd col = t-tests of the estimates of regression coefficients;


    scalar. Value of the maximized log likelihood (ignoring constants)


    Reason fminunc stopped. Integer.

    out.Exflag is equal to 1 if the maximization procedure did not produce warnings or the warning was different from "ILL Conditiioned Jacobian". For any other warning which is produced (for example, "Overparameterized", "IterationLimitExceeded", 'MATLAB:rankDeficientMatrix") out.Exflag is equal to -1;


    design matrix which has been used. This output is present just in X is a table containing categorical variables.

    More About

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    Additional Details

    In the standard Tobit model (Tobin 1958), we have a dependent variable $y$ that is left-censored at zero: \begin{eqnarray} y_i^* & = & x_i^{\prime} \beta+\varepsilon_i \\ y_i = & 0 & \text { if } y_i^* \leq 0 \\ y_i = & y_i^* & \text { if } y_i^*>0 \end{eqnarray} Here the subscript $i=1, \ldots, n$ indicates the observation, $y_i^*$ is an unobserved ("latent") variable, $x_i$ is a vector of explanatory variables, $\beta$ is a vector of unknown parameters, and $\varepsilon_i$ is a disturbance term.

    The censored regression model is a generalisation of the standard Tobit model.

    The dependent variable can be either left-censored, right-censored, or both left-censored and right-censored, where the lower and/or upper limit of the dependent variable can be any number: \begin{eqnarray} y_i^*=x_i^{\prime} \beta+\varepsilon_i \\ y_i & = & a \qquad \text { if } y_i^* \leq a \\ & = & y_i^* \qquad \text { if } a<y_i^*<b \\ & = & b \qquad \text { if } y_i^* \geq b \end{eqnarray} Here $a$ is the lower limit and $b$ is the upper limit of the dependent variable. If $a=-\infty$ or $b=\infty$, the dependent variable is not left-censored or right-censored, respectively.

    Censored regression models (including the standard Tobit model) are usually estimated by the Maximum Likelihood (ML) method. Assuming that the disturbance term $\varepsilon$ follows a normal distribution with mean 0 and variance $\sigma^2$, the log-likelihood function is \begin{aligned} \log L=\sum_{i=1}^N & \left[ I_i^a \log \Phi\left(\frac{a-x_i^{\prime} \beta}{\sigma}\right)+I_i^b \log \Phi\left(\frac{x_i^{\prime} \beta-b}{\sigma}\right) \right. \\ & \left.+\left(1-I_i^a-I_i^b\right)\left(\log \phi\left(\frac{y_i-x_i^{\prime} \beta}{\sigma}\right)-\log \sigma\right)\right], \end{aligned} where $\phi( \cdot)$ and $\Phi( \cdot )$ denote the probability density function and the cumulative distribution function, respectively, of the standard normal distribution, and $I_i^a$ and $I_i^b$ are indicator functions with \begin{eqnarray} I_i^a & = & 1 \text { if } y_i=a \\ & = & 0 \text { if } y_i>a \\ I_i^b & = & 1 \text { if } y_i=b \\ & = & 0 \text { if } y_i<b \\ \end{eqnarray} In this file the censored log likelihood above is maximized with respect to the parameter vector (\beta' \sigma) using routine fminunc of the optimization toolbox


    Greene, W.H. (2008), "Econometric Analysis, Sixth Edition", Prentice Hall, pp. 871-875.

    Henningsen, A. (2012), Estimating Censored Regression Models in R using the censReg Package, [

    Kleiber C., Zeileis A. (2008), "Applied Econometrics with R", Springer, New York.

    Tobin, J. (1958), Estimation of Relationships for Limited Dependent Variables, "Econometrica", 26, pp. 24-36.

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