
triu2vec extracts in a vector the linear indexes or the elements on and above the k-th diagonal of a square matrix




y =triu2vec(A) Extract the elements above the main diagonal.


y =triu2vec(A, k) Find linear indexes.


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  • Extract the elements above the main diagonal.
  • The input is a square matrix of order 5.

    disp('Input matrix A')
    disp('Extract the elements above the main diagonal of matrix A in a vector')
    k = 1;

  • Find linear indexes.
  • Finds the linear indexes of the elements on and above the main diagonal of a square matrix of order 5

    disp(['Input scalar is r=' num2str(r)])
    disp('Extract the linear indexes of the elements on and above diagonal')
    disp(['of a square matrix of size ' num2str(r) ' in a vector'])
    disp(['The linear indexes of the elements on and above diagonal of a square matrix of size ' num2str(r) ' are:'])
    disp(['For example if A=invhilb(' num2str(r) ')'])
    disp('The elements on and above diagonal of A are');

    Input Arguments

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    A — scalar, or square matrix of order r (r>1). Scalar or square matrix.

    If A is a non negative integer, it indicates the number of rows (columns) of a matrix whose linear indexes of the elements on and above diagonal have to be found. Then, triu2vec(A) returns the (A*(A-1)/2)+A linear indexes of the elements on and above diagonal.

    If A is a square matrix of order r (r>1), then triu2vec(A) returns the elements on and above diagonal of matrix A in a vector of length (r*(r-1)/2)+r;

    Data Types: single| double

    Optional Arguments

    k — which diagonal. Scalar.

    Non negative integer given to return the elements on and above the k-th diagonal of A, being k=0 the main diagonal. Default is k = 0, i.e., the main diagonal is also returned. Negative integers are treated as 0, i.e. elements on and above the main diagonal are returned. No linear indices or elements are returned if the user provides an integer k larger than the order of the input matrix.

    Example: 'k',0

    Data Types: double

    Output Arguments

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    y —Linear indexes or the elements on and above the k-th diagonal. vector

    For example if k =0 or number of input arguments ==1 If input argument A is a scalar, y is a vector of length (A*(A-1)/2)+A containing the linear indexes of the elements on and above diagonal of a square matrix of order A.

    If input argument A is a square matrix of order r (r>1), y is a vector of length (r*(r-1)/2)+r containing the elements on and above diagonal of matrix A.

    For example if k == 2 If input argument A is a scalar, y is a vector of length (A*(A-1)/2)+A -A -(A-1) containing the linear indexes of the elements on and above the 2nd diagonal of a square matrix of order A.

    If input argument A is a square matrix of order r (r>1), y is a vector of length (r*(r-1)/2)+r -r -(r-1) containing the elements on and above the 2nd diagonal of a square matrix of order A.

    Remark 1: if the elements on and above diagonal must be extracted repeatedly, it is convenient to find the linear indexes once and for all Remark 2: the linear indices of the upper triangualar part of a square matrix A of size r can be also obtained with the following formulas and code: ind=(1:(r*(r-1)/2))';

    j = round(floor(-.5 + .5 * sqrt(1 + 8 * (ind - 1))) + 2);

    i = round(j .* (3 - j) / 2 + ind - 1);

    y = i + (j - 1).*r; the linear indexes A1 = A(:);

    y = A1(y); the elements above diagonal of matrix A


    Harveille, D.A. (1997), "Matrix Algebra from a statistician's perspective", Springer.

    See Also

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