
HAeff finds the tuning constant that guarrantees a requested asymptotic efficiency




ceff =HAeff(eff, v) Find c for fixed efficiency.


ceff =HAeff(eff, v, abc) Example where three input parameters are supplied.


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  • Find c for fixed efficiency.
  • The constant c associated to a nominal location efficiency of 95% in regression is c = 0.690998716841394


  • Example where three input parameters are supplied.
  • Find constant c associated to a nominal location efficiency of 95 per cent in regression when tun=[1.5,3.5,8].


    Input Arguments

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    eff — efficiency. Scalar.

    Scalar which contains the required efficiency (of location or scale estimator).

    Generally eff=0.85, 0.9 or 0.95.

    Data Types: single| double

    v — number of response variables. Scalar.

    Number of variables of the dataset (for regression v=1) UP TO NOW v=1 (JUST REGRESSION) TO DO FOR MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS

    Data Types: single| double

    Optional Arguments

    abc — parameters of Hampel estimator. Vector.

    Vector of length 3 which contains the parameters of Hampel estimator. If vector abc is not specified it is set equal to [2, 4, 8]

    Example: [1.5,3.5,8]

    Data Types: double

    Output Arguments

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    ceff —Requested tuning constant. Scalar

    Tuning constatnt of Hampel rho function associated to requested value of efficiency

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    Additional Details

    Function HApsi transforms vector u as follows.

    \[ HApsi(u) = \left\{ \begin{array}{cc} u & |u| <= a \\ a \times sign(u) & a <= |u| < b \\ a \frac{c-|u|}{c-b} \times sign(u) & b <= |u| < c \\ 0 & |u| >= c \end{array} \right. \]

    where $a$= ctun *param(1).

    $b$= ctun *param(2).

    $c$= ctun *param(3).

    The default is $a$= 2*ctun.

    $b$= 4*ctun.

    $c$= 8*ctun.

    It is necessary to have 0 <= a <= b <= c.

    Parameter ctun multiplies parameters (a,b,c) of Hampel estimator.


    Hoaglin, D.C., Mosteller, F., Tukey, J.W. (1982), "Understanding Robust and Exploratory Data Analysis", Wiley, New York.

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