addt | Produces the t test for an additional explanatory variable |
estregimeTAR | Estimate a regression model with OLS in one of the regimes of a TAR model |
forecastTS | Forecast for a time series with trend, time varying seasonal, level shift and irregular component |
FSR | Computes forward search estimator in linear regression |
FSRBbsb | Returns the units belonging to the subset in each step of the Bayesian forward search |
FSRbsb | Returns the units belonging to the subset in each step of the forward search |
FSReda | Enables to monitor several quantities in each step of the forward search |
FSRenvmdr | Computes the theoretical envelopes of Minimum Deletion Residual outside subset during the search |
FSRinvmdr | Converts values of mdr into confidence levels and mdr in normal coordinates |
FSRmdr | Computes minimum deletion residual and other basic linear regression quantities in each step of the search |
FSRr | Forward search in linear regression reweighted |
FSRts | Is an automatic adaptive procedure to detect outliers in time series |
FSRtsbsb | Returns the units belonging to the subset in each step of the forward search |
FSRtsmdr | Computes minimum deletion residual for time series models in each step of the search |
LTSts | Extends LTS estimator to time series |
LTStsLSmult | Extends LTSts to the detection of multiple Level Shifts in time series |
LTStsVarSel | Does variable selection in the robust time series model LTSts |
LXS | Computes the Least Median of Squares (LMS) or Least Trimmed Squares (LTS) estimators |
mdpdR | Allows to apply Minimum Density Power Divergence criterion to parametric regression problems |
mdpdReda | Allows to monitor Minimum Density Power Divergence criterion to parametric regression problems |
MMreg | Computes MM estimator of regression coefficients |
MMregcore | Computes MM regression estimators for a selected fixed scale |
MMregeda | Computes MM estimator in linear regression for a series of values of efficiency |
regressts | Computes estimates of regression parameters for a time series models |
RobCov | Computes covariance matrix of robust regression coefficients |
RobRegrSize | Provides proper threshold for robust estimators to obtain an empirical size close to 1 per cent nominal size |
SETARX | Implements Threshold autoregressive models with two regimes |
simulateLM | Simulates linear regression data with prespecified values of statistical indexes |
simulateTS | Simulates a time series with trend, time varying seasonal, level shift and irregular component |
Sreg | Computes S estimators in linear regression |
Sregeda | Computes S estimators in linear regression for a series of values of bdp |
Taureg | Computes Tau estimators in linear regression |
tBothSides | Allows users to transform both sides of a (nonlinear) regression model |
VIOM | Computes weights estimates under Variance-Inflation Model |
ace | Computes alternative conditional expectation |
avas | Computes additivity and variance stabilization for regression |
avasms | Computes avas using a series of alternative options |
boxcoxR | Finds MLE of lambda in linear regression (and confidence interval) using Box Cox, YJ or extended YJ transformation |
FSRfan | Monitors the values of the score test statistic for each lambda |
rlsmo | Computes a running-lines smoother with global cross-validation |
Score | Computes the score test for transformation |
ScoreYJ | Computes the score test for Yeo and Johnson transformation |
ScoreYJall | Computes all the 4 score tests for YJ transformation |
ScoreYJmle | Computes the likelihood ratio test fof H_0=lambdaP=lambdaP0 and lambdaN=lambdaN0 |
ScoreYJpn | Computes the score test for YJ transformation for pos and neg observations |
smothr | Produces smoothed values with constraints |
supsmu | Smooths scatterplots using Friedman's supersmoother algorithm |
FSRB | Gives an automatic outlier detection procedure in Bayesian linear regression |
FSRBeda | Enables to monitor several quantities in each step of the Bayesian search |
FSRBmdr | Computes minimum deletion residual and other basic linear regression quantities in each step of the Bayesian search |
FSRBr | Bayesian forward search in linear regression reweighted |
regressB | Computes Bayesian estimates of regression parameters |
forecastH | Produce forecasts with confidence bands for regression model with heteroskedasticity |
FSRH | Gives an automatic outlier detection procedure in heteroskedastic linear regression |
FSRHbsb | Returns the units belonging to the subset in each step of the heteroskedastic forward search |
FSRHeda | Enables to monitor several quantities in each step of the forward search |
FSRHmdr | Computes minimum deletion residual and other basic linear regression quantities in each step of the heteroskedastic search |
regressH | Fits a multiple linear regression model with heteroskedasticity |
regressHart | Fits a multiple linear regression model using ART heteroskedasticity |
regressHhar | Fits a multiple linear regression model with Harvey heteroskedasticity |
boxtest | Performs Box test of equality of covariance matrices |
FSCorAna | Performs automatic outlier based on the forward search in correspondence analysis |
FSCorAnaeda | Performs forward search in correspondence analysis with exploratory data analysis purposes |
FSCorAnaenv | Computes the empirical envelopes of Min MD outside subset and inertia explained during the search |
FSM | Computes forward search estimator in multivariate analysis |
FSMbsb | Gives the units belonging to subset at step(s) msel of the forward search |
FSMeda | Performs forward search in multivariate analysis with exploratory data analysis purposes |
FSMedaeasy | Is exactly equal to FSMeda but it is much less efficient |
FSMenvmmd | Computes the theoretical envelopes of Minimum MD outside subset during the search |
FSMinvmmd | Converts values of minimum Mahalanobis distance into confidence levels |
FSMmmd | Monitors minMD |
FSMmmdeasy | Is exactly equal to FSMmmd but it is much less efficient |
mcd | Computes Minimum Covariance Determinant |
mcdCorAna | Computes Minimum Covariance Determinant in correspondence analysis |
mcdeda | Monitors Minimum Covariance Determinant for a series of values of bdp |
MMmult | Computes MM estimators in multivariate analysis with auxiliary S-scale |
MMmultcore | Computes multivariate MM estimators for a selected fixed scale |
MMmulteda | Computes MM estimators in multivariate analysis for a series of values of eff |
mve | Computes Minimum volume ellipsoid |
mveeda | Monitors Minimum volume ellipsoid for a series of values of bdp |
pcaFS | Performs Principal Component Analysis (PCA) on raw data |
SDest | Computes Stahel-Donoho robust estimator of dispersion-location |
Smult | Computes S estimators in multivariate analysis |
Smulteda | Computes S estimators in multivariate analysis for a series of values of bdp |
unibiv | Has the purpose of detecting univariate and bivariate outliers |
barnardtest | Barnard's unconditional test |
CorAna | Performs correspondence analysis |
corrNominal | Measures strength of association between two unordered (nominal) categorical variables |
corrOrdinal | Measures strength of association between two ordered categorical variables |
CressieRead | Computes the power divergence family |
crosstab2datamatrix | Recreates the original data matrix X from contingency table N |
rcontFS | Generates a random two-way table with given marginal totals |
SparseTableTest | Computes independence test for large and sparse contingency tables |
MixSim | Generates k clusters in v dimensions with given overlap |
MixSimreg | Generates k regression hyperplanes in p dimensions with given overlap |
overlap | Computes the exact overlap given the parameters of the mixture |
simdataset | Simulates and-or contaminates a dataset given the parameters of a finite mixture model with Gaussian components |
simdatasetreg | Simulates a regression dataset given the parameters of a mixture regression model |
FSRmdrrs | Performs random start monitoring of minimum deletion residual |
lga | Performs linear grouping analysis |
mdrrsplot | Plots the trajectory of minimum deletion residual from random starts |
rlga | Performs robust linear grouping analysis |
tclustreg | Performs robust linear grouping analysis |
tclustregeda | Performs robust linear grouping analysis for a series of values of the trimming factor |
tclustregIC | Computes tclustreg for different number of groups k and restriction factors c |
ctlcurves | Computes Classification Trimmed Likelihood Curves |
dempk | Performs a merging of components found by tkmeans |
FSMmmdrs | Performs random start monitoring of minimum Mahalanobis distance |
genSigmaGPCM | Generates covariance matrix for the 14 Gaussian Parsimonious Clustering Models |
GowerIndex | Computes matrix of similarity indexes using Gower metric |
overlapmap | Produces an interactive overlap map |
restrdeter | Computes determinant restriction |
restrdeterGPCM | Applies determinat restrictions for the 14 GPCM |
restreigen | Computes eigenvalues restriction (without Dykstra algorithm) |
restreigeneasy | Computes eigenvalues restriction (without Dykstra algorithm) |
restreigenmemopt | Computes eigenvalues restriction (without Dykstra algorithm) |
restrshapeExact | Computes constrained Gamma (shape) matrix with exact constraints |
restrshapeGPCM | Produces the restricted shape matrix for the 14 GPCM |
restrSigmaGPCM | Computes constrained covariance matrices for the 14 GPCM specifications |
tclust | Computes trimmed clustering with scatter restrictions |
tclusteda | Computes tclust for a series of values of the trimming factor |
tclustIC | Computes tclust for different number of groups k and restriction factors c |
tclustICgpcm | Computes tclust for different number of groups k and restr. factors $c_{det}$ and $c_{shw}$ |
tclustICsol | Extracts a set of best relevant solutions |
tclustICsolGPCM | Extracts a set of best relevant solutions from 3D array computed using function tclustICgpcm |
tkmeans | Computes trimmed k-means |
txmerge | Performs a (hierarchical) merging of the inflated number of components found by tkmeans or tclust |
aceplot | Produces the aceplot to visualize the results of ace |
add2yX | Adds objects (personalized clickable multilegends and text labels) to the yXplot |
avasmsplot | Produces the augmented star plot and enables interactivity |
barVariableWidth | Produces a bar plot with different widths and colors for each bar |
cdsplot | Produces the candlestick plot for robust model selection in linear regression |
fanBIC | Uses the output of FSRfan to choose the best value of the transformation parameter in linear regression |
fanBICpn | Uses the output of FSRfan called with input option family 'YJpn' to choose la_P and la_N |
fanplot | OLD FUNCTION (this function is replaced by fanplotFS and it is not updated anylonger) |
fanplotFS | Plots the fan plot for transformation in linear regression or deletion t stat |
histFS | Plots a histogram with the elements in each bin grouped according to a vector of labels |
levfwdplot | Plots the trajectories of leverage along the search |
mdrplot | Plots the trajectory of minimum deletion residual (mdr) |
qqplotFS | Creates qqplot of studentized residuals with envelopes |
resfwdplot | Plots the trajectories of the monitored scaled (squared) residuals |
resindexplot | Plots the residuals from a regression analysis versus index number or any other variable |
wedgeplot | Generates the double wedge plot of a time series |
yXplot | Produces an interactive scatterplot of y against each variable of X in the input dataset |
add2boxplot | Adds labels to the boxplot figure |
add2spm | Adds objects (personalized clickable multilegends and text labels) to the scatter plot matrix |
balloonplot | Creates a balloon plot of a contingency table |
biplotFS | Calls biplotAPP.mlapp to show a dynamic biplot |
boxplotb | Computes a bivariate boxplot |
CorAnaplot | Draws the Correspondence Analysis (CA) graphs with confidence ellipses |
covplot | Plots the trajectories of the elements of the covariance (correlation) matrix monitored |
funnelchart | Displays a funnel chart |
malfwdplot | Plots the trajectories of scaled Mahalanobis distances along the search |
malindexplot | Plots the Mahalanobis distances for each row of the input data matrix |
mmdplot | Plots the trajectory of minimum Mahalanobis distance (mmd) |
mmdrsplot | Plots the trajectories of minimum Mahalanobis distances from different starting points |
moonplot | Draws the Correspondence Analysis (CA) moonplot |
scatterboxplot | Creates scatter diagram with marginal boxplots |
spmplot | Produces an interactive scatterplot matrix with boxplots or histograms on the main diagonal and possibly robust bivariate contours |
waterfallchart | Creates a waterfall chart |
carbikeplot | Produces the carbike plot to find best relevant clustering solutions |
carbikeplotGPCM | Produces the carbike plot to find best relevant clustering solutions |
ctlcurvesplot | Plots the output of routine ctlcurves |
tclustICplot | Plots information criterion as a function of c and k |
tclustICplotGPCM | Plots information criterion as a function of $c_{det}$, $c_{shw}$, $c_{shb}$ and $k$ |
corrcdf | Computes correlation coefficient probability distribution function |
corrpdf | Computes correlation coefficient probability density function |
FNChygecdf | Returns Fisher non-central hypergeometric cumulative distribution function |
FNChygeinv | Computes the inverse of the Fisher non central hypergeometric cumulative distribution function (cdf) |
FNChygepdf | Returns Fisher non-central hypergeometric probability density function |
FNChygernd | Random arrays from the Fisher non central hypergeometric distribution |
inversegamcdf | Computes inverse-gamma cumulative distribution function |
inversegaminv | Computes the inverse of the inverse-gamma cumulative distribution function |
inversegampdf | Computes inverse-gamma probability density function |
logmvnpdfFS | Produces log of Multivariate normal probability density function (pdf) |
mFNChygepdf | Returns Fisher multivariate non-central hypergeometric probability density function |
mFNChygernd | Returns Fisher multivariate non-central hypergeometric random variate generation |
mtR | Generates the same random numbers produced by R software with Mersenne Twister mt19937ar |
mWNChygepdf | Returns Wallenius' multivariate non-central hypergeometric probability density function |
mWNChygernd | Returns random arrays from the Wallenius non central hypergeometric distribution |
ncx2mixtcdf | Computes cumulative distribution function of a linear combination of non-central chi-square +N(0,s) |
twdcdf | Computes the cumulative distribution function of the Tweedie distribution |
twdpdf | Computes the probability density function of the Tweedie distribution |
twdrnd | Generates random variates from the Tweedie distribution |
vervaatrnd | Simulates random variates from the Vervaat perpetuity distribution |
vervaatsim | Returns a Vervaat perpetuity |
vervaatxdf | Returns the pdf and cdf of a Vervaat perpetuity |
WNChygecdf | Returns Wallenius' non-central hypergeometric cumulative distribution function |
WNChygeinv | Computes the inverse of the Wallenius non central hypergeometric cumulative distribution function (cdf) |
WNChygepdf | Returns Wallenius' non-central hypergeometric probability density function |
WNChygernd | Random arrays from the Wallenius non central hypergeometric distribution |
FE_int_vol | Computes the integrated variance from a diffusion process via the Fourier estimator using Dirichlet kernel |
FE_int_vol_Fejer | Computes the integrated variance from a diffusion process via the Fourier estimator using Fejer kernel |
FE_spot_vol | Estimates the instantaneous variance of a diffusion process by the Fourier estimator with Dirichlet kernel |
FE_spot_vol_FFT | Estimates the instantaneous variance of a diffusion process by the Fourier estimator with Dirichlet kernel, using the FFT algorithm |
FM_int_cov | Computes the integrated covariance of a bivariate diffusion process via the Fourier-Malliavin estimator |
FM_int_lev | Computes the integrated leverage of a diffusion process via the Fourier-Malliavin estimator |
FM_int_quart | Computes the integrated quarticity of a diffusion process via the Fourier-Malliavin estimator |
FM_int_vol | Computes the integrated variance of a diffusion process via the Fourier-Malliavin estimator |
FM_int_volvol | Computes the integrated volatility of volatility of a diffusion process via the Fourier-Malliavin estimator |
FM_spot_cov | Computes the spot covariance of a bivariate diffusion process via the Fourier-Malliavin estimator |
FM_spot_lev | Computes the spot leverage of a diffusion process via the Fourier-Malliavin estimator |
FM_spot_quart | Computes the spot quarticity of a diffusion process via the Fourier-Malliavin estimator |
FM_spot_vol | Computes the spot volatility of a diffusion process via the Fourier-Malliavin estimator |
FM_spot_volvol | Computes the spot volatiity of volatility of a diffusion process via the Fourier-Malliavin estimator |
Heston1D | Simulates observations and instantaneous variances from the Heston model |
Heston2D | Simulates observations and instantaneous variances from the bivariate Heston model |
OptimalCuttingFrequency | Computes the optimal cutting frequency for the Fourier estimator of integrated variance |
brushFAN | Displays a GUI which enables brushing in the fanplot |
brushRES | Displays a GUI which enables brushing in resfwdplot |
brushROB | Displays a GUI which enables brushing in resindexplot |
GUIautocorr | Shows the necessary calculations to obtain the autocorrelation in a GUI |
GUIconcentration | Shows the necessary calculations to obtain the GINI concentration index in a GUI |
GUIcorr | Shows the necessary calculations to obtain the correlation in a GUI |
GUIcov | Shows the necessary calculations to obtain the covariance in a GUI |
GUImad | Shows the necessary calculations to obtain MAD, S_M or S_Me in a GUI |
GUIpowermean | Shows the necessary calculations to obtain the power (generalized) mean in a GUI |
GUIquantile | Shows the necessary calculations to obtain $x_z$ quantile |
GUIregress | Shows the necessary calculations to obtain simple linear regression statistics in a GUI |
GUIskewness | Shows the necessary calculations to obtain the variance in a GUI |
GUIstd | Shows the necessary calculations to obtain the standard deviation in a GUI |
GUItrimmean | Shows the necessary calculations to obtain the trimmed mean in a GUI |
GUIvar | Shows the necessary calculations to obtain the variance in a GUI |
quickselectFS_demo | Illustrates the functioning of quickselectFS |
quickselectFSw_demo | Illustrates the functioning of quickselectFSw |
ASbdp | Finds the constant c associated to the supplied breakdown point for Andrew's sine function |
ASc | Computes breakdown point and efficiency associated with constant c for Andrew's rho function |
ASeff | Finds the constant c which is associated to the requested efficiency for Andrew's sine function |
ASpsi | Computes psi function (derivative of rho function) for Andrew's sine function |
ASpsider | Computes derivative of psi function (second derivative of rho function) for Andrew's sine function |
ASpsix | Computes psi function (derivative of rho function) times x for Andrew's sine function |
ASrho | Computes rho function for Andrew's sine function |
ASwei | Computes weight function psi(u)/u for Andrew's sine function |
basicPower | Computes the basic power transformation |
bwe | Estimates the bandwidth smoothing parameter for kernel density estimation |
CEVmodel | Computes price and instantaneous variance processes from the CEV model |
ClusterRelabel | Enables to control the labels of the clusters which contain predefined units |
ctsub | Computes numerical integration from x(1) to z(i) of y=f(x) |
distribspec | Plots a probability density function between specification limits |
ellipse | Generates an ellipse given mu (location vector) and Sigma (scatter matrix) |
exactcdf | Finds exact p-values |
FowlkesMallowsIndex | Computes the Fowlkes and Mallows index |
FSMbonfbound | Computes Bonferroni bounds for each step of the search (in mult analysis) |
FSRbonfbound | Computes Bonferroni bounds for each step of the search (in linear regression) |
genr8next | Genr8 returns a vector of pseudorandom number sequence |
GYfilt | Computes the Gervini-Yohai univariate outlier identifier |
HAbdp | Finds the constant c associated to the supplied breakdown point |
HAc | Computes breakdown point and efficiency associated with constant c |
HAeff | Finds the tuning constant that guarrantees a requested asymptotic efficiency |
HApsi | Computes psi function using Hampel proposal |
HApsider | Computes derivative of psi function using Hampel proposal |
HApsix | Computes psi function using Hampel proposal times x |
HArho | Computes rho function using Hampel proposal |
HAwei | Computes weight function psi(u)/u using Hampel proposal |
HUc | Computes breakdown point and efficiency associated with constant c for Huber link |
HUeff | Finds the constant c which is associated to the requested efficiency for Tukey biweight estimator |
HUpsi | Computes psi function (derivative of rho function) for Huber |
HUpsider | Computes derivative of psi function (second derivative of rho function) for Huber |
HUpsix | Computes psi function (derivative of rho function) times x for Huber |
HUrho | Computes rho function for Huber |
HUwei | Computes weight function psi(u)/u for Huber |
HYPbdp | Finds constant c which is associated to the requested breakdown point for hyp. tan. estimator |
HYPc | Computes breakdown point and efficiency associated with constant chyperbolic tangent estimator (for a given value of k=sup CVC) |
HYPck | Computes values of the scalars A, B, d for hyperbolic tangent estimator |
HYPeff | Finds constant c which is associated to the requested efficiency for hyperbolic estimator |
HYPk | Computes breakdown point and efficiency for hyp. tan. estimator |
HYPpsi | Computes psi function for hyperbolic tangent estimator |
HYPpsider | Computes derivative of psi function for hyperbolic tangent estimator |
HYPpsix | Computes psi function for hyperbolic tangent estimator times x |
HYPrho | Computes rho function using hyperbolic tangent estimator |
HYPwei | Computes weight function psi(u)/u for hyperbolic tangent estimator |
kdebiv | Computes (and optionally plots) a kernel smoothing estimate for bivariate data |
mahalCorAna | Computes Mahalanobis distances (in squared units) for each row of matrix Y |
mahalFS | Computes Mahalanobis distances (in squared units) for each row of matrix Y |
mdpattern | Finds and plots missing data patterns |
mdpd | Computes Minimum Distance Power Divergence statistics |
medcouple | Computes the medcouple, a robust skewness estimator |
Mlocation | Finds the M estimator of location in a univariate sample |
Mlocsca | Computes M estimator of location and scale in univariate samples |
Mscale | Finds the M estimator of the scale |
msdcutoff | Mahalanobis Squared Distance cutoff |
ncpci | Non centrality parameter confidence interval (taken from effect_of_size_toolbox) |
normBoxCox | Computes (normalized) Box-Cox transformation |
normYJ | Computes (normalized) Yeo-Johnson transformation |
normYJpn | Computes (normalized) extended Yeo-Johnson transformation |
OPTbdp | Finds the constant c associated to the supplied breakdown point |
OPTc | Computes breakdown point and efficiency associated with constant c for Optimal rho function |
OPTeff | Finds the constant c which is associated to the requested efficiency |
OPTpsi | Computes psi function (derivative of rho function) for optimal weight function |
OPTpsider | Computes derivative of psi function (second derivative of rho function) for optimal weight function |
OPTpsix | Computes psi function (derivative of rho function) times x |
OPTrho | Computes rho function for optimal weight function |
OPTwei | Computes weight function psi(u)/u for optimal weight function |
PDbdp | Finds the constant alpha associated to the supplied breakdown point for minimum power divergence estimator |
PDc | Computes breakdown point and efficiency associated with tuning constant alpha for minimum power divergence estimator |
PDeff | Finds the constant alpha which is associated to the requested efficiency for minimum power divergence estimator |
PDpsi | Computes psi function (derivative of rho function) for minimum density power divergence estimator |
PDpsider | Computes derivative of psi function (second derivative of rho function) for minimum power divergence estimator |
PDpsix | Computes psi function (derivative of rho function) times x for minimum density power divergence estimator |
PDrho | Computes rho function for minimum density power divergence estimator |
PDwei | Computes weight function psi(u)/u for for minimum density power divergence estimator |
pivotCoord | Transforms into Pivot coordinates as a special case of isometric logratio coordinates |
pivotCoordInv | Transforms back the output of pivotCoord |
Powertra | Computes power transformation (Box-Cox or Yeo-Johnson) |
Qn | Robust estimator of scale (first quartile of interpoint distances $|x_i-x_j|$) |
RandIndexFS | Calculates Rand type Indices to compare two partitions |
RhoPsiWei | Finds rho, psi, psi', w functions given bdp, or eff or tuning constant c |
RKbdp | Finds the constants c associated to the supplied breakdown point and asymptotic rejection point |
RKeff | Finds the constants c and M which are associated to the requested efficiency and ARP |
RKpsi | Computes psi function for Rocke (translated Tukey's) biweight |
RKpsider | Computes derivative of psi function (second derivative of rho function) for Rocke (translated Tukey's) biweight |
RKpsix | Computes psi function times x for Rocke (translated Tukey's) biweight |
RKrho | Computes rho function for Rocke (translated Tukey's) biweight |
RKwei | Computes weight function psi(u)/u for Rocke (translated Tukey's) biweight |
rthin | Applies independent random thinning to a point pattern |
Sn | Robust estimator of scale (robust version of Gini's average difference) |
tabulateFS | Creates frequency table of unique values of x, excluding possible 0 counts |
TBbdp | Finds the constant c associated to the supplied breakdown point for Tukey's biweight |
TBc | Computes breakdown point and efficiency associated with constant c for Tukey's biweight |
TBeff | Finds the constant c which is associated to the requested efficiency for Tukey's biweight |
TBpsi | Computes psi function (derivative of rho function) for Tukey's biweight |
TBpsider | Computes derivative of psi function (second derivative of rho function) for Tukey's biweight |
TBpsix | Computes psi function (derivative of rho function) times x for Tukey's biweight |
TBrho | Computes rho function for Tukey's biweight |
TBwei | Computes weight function psi(u)/u for Tukey's biweight |
winsor | Returns a winsorized copy of input |
wthin | Thins a uni/bi-dimensional dataset |
cabc | Closes all open figures except the one in foreground (the current) |
cascade | Is a third party function used in FSDA demos and examples |
clickableMultiLegend | Hides/shows symbols inside all gplotmatrix subplots (or similar multi-plots) clicking on the legend |
existFS | Check if file exists and puts answer in a cached persistent variable |
findDir | Finds recursively all directories in root |
findFile | Finds recursively all files in root |
isfunction | Checks if a function exists |
m2ipynb | Convert selected m files into Jupyter notebook files |
openMatlabFileFromHTML | Enables to put in HTML an hypertextual link to a specific MATLAB file |
position | Controls the position of the open figures |
quickselectFS | Finds the k-th order statistic |
quickselectFSw | Finds the 100*p-th weighted order statistic for $0
removeExtraSpacesLF | Removes extra spaces and selected carriage returns from input string |
repDupValWithMean | Replaces values of y which have non unique elements in vector x with local means |
setdiffFS | Finds the positive integers in a which are not present in the positive integers in b |
suplabel | Places text as a title, xlabel, or ylabel on a group of subplots |
tabledisp | Displays in good format a table or array in the command line |
triu2vec | Extracts in a vector the linear indexes or the elements on and above the k-th diagonal of a square matrix |
upperfracpos | Positions two figures on the upper part of the screen |
verLessThanFS | Compares version of MATLAB to specified version number |
wraptextFS | Formats long strings into wrapped text of specified width |
zscoreFS | Computes (robust) standardized z scores |
bc | Returns the Binomial coefficient |
combsFS | Is an iterative algorithm equivalent to the MATLAB combs.m |
lexunrank | Gives the the $k$-combination of $n$ elements of position $N$ in the lexicographic order of all combinations |
nchoosekFS | Returns the Binomial coefficient or matrix containing all combinations |
randsampleFS | Generates a random sample of k elements from the integers 1 to n (k<=n) |
shuffling | Does a random permutation of the elements of input vector |
subsets | Creates a matrix of indexes where rows are distinct p-subsets extracted from a set of n elements |
htmlwriteFS | Is an obsolete function which will be removed in future releases. Use publishFS.m instead |
makecontentsfileFS | Extends Matlab function makecontentsfile |
mreadFS | Enables to create a structure with InputArgs/OptArgs/OutArgs ... from .m function files (OBSOLETE FUNCTION REPLACED BY publishFS.m) |
publishBibliography | Enables to create web page which contains the references inside the input .m files |
publishFS | Enables to create automatic HELP FILES from structured .m function files |
publishFunctionAlpha | Enables to create web page which contains the alphabetical list of functions |
publishFunctionCate | Enables to create web page which contains the categorical list of functions |
setToolboxStartEnd | Sets release compatibility in ToolboxPackagingConfiguration.prj file |
xmlcreateFS | Creates an XML file passing through publishFS |