For example let us start with a gplotmatrix.
% Simulate X
X = rand(100,4);
% Simulate y with 3 groups
y = [rand(10,1); rand(20,1)+1; rand(70,1)+2];
group= [2*ones(10,1); ones(20,1); zeros(70,1)];
% Generate the scatter matrix
[H,AX,bigax] = gplotmatrix(X,y,group);
% Set the DisplayName property (i.e. the texts of the legend) in all panels.
% Note that in the gplotmatrix only one legend is visible.
set(H(:,:,1),'DisplayName','group 1');
set(H(:,:,2),'DisplayName','group 2');
set(H(:,:,3),'DisplayName','group 3');
% Get the new legend texts directly from the plot
% To take account a change in property names of the legend object in 2016b
if verLessThan('matlab','9.1')
legnew = get(getappdata(AX(1,end),legstring),'String');
% Get the handles of the legend to update
hLines = findobj(AX(1,end), 'type', 'line');
% Update the legend and make them clickable
clickableMultiLegend(sort(hLines), legnew{:});
% Now, it is possible to click with the mouse on the different entries
% to hide/show a particular group of units. For example, clicking on the
% entry "group 2" in the legend we hide group 2.
% Function gplotmatrix generates the legend texts automatically, based on
% the values in the vector defined by option 'group'. In the example above we
% have re-defined manually the legend texts set by option 'group' (which are
% '1', '2' and '3') as "group 1", "group 2" and "group 3". More conveniently,
% especially when the number of groups is not known in advance, one may
% re-define the legend texts in a more general way as follows:
% it is convenient to reshape the gplotmatrix handles array to make it
% more manageable: while H is a 3-dimensional array with the third
% dimension associated to the groups, newH is 2-dimensional with lines
% associated to the subplots of the scatterplot and columns associated
% to the groups.
nleg = numel(hLines);
newH = reshape(H,numel(H)/nleg,nleg);
% redefine the legend texts
for i = 1 : nleg
set(newH(:,i),'DisplayName',['Redefined group n. ' num2str(i)]);
% If the legend texts were clickable before the re-definition, they
% will remain clickable.