
clickableMultiLegend hides/shows symbols inside all gplotmatrix subplots (or similar multi-plots) clicking on the legend.


  • varargout=clickableMultiLegend()example
  • varargout=clickableMultiLegend(Name,Value)example


It is typically applied to gplotmatrix figures. By clicking on a text label in the legend, the graphics (line or patch) objects associated to that label in all subplots are turned on and off (hide/show).

The extention to multiple plots is realised by looking for graphics objects with the same DisplayName property of the one associated to the legend label. Therefore, the function should work also through plots in different figures.

clickableMultiLegend accepts the same parameters of the legend function and can be used in the same way.


varargout =clickableMultiLegend() clickableMultiLegend applied to a single plot.


varargout =clickableMultiLegend(Name, Value) clickableMultiLegend applied to multiple subplots.


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  • clickableMultiLegend applied to a single plot.
  • z = peaks(100);
    grid on;
    clickableMultiLegend({'Line1','Line2','Line3','Line4','Line5'}, 'Location', 'NorthWest');
    axis manual;
    z = peaks(100);
    grid on;
    hlegend=clickableMultiLegend({'Line1','Line2','Line3','Line4','Line5'}, 'Location', 'NorthWest');
    axis manual;
    % legend(hlegend,'off');

  • clickableMultiLegend applied to multiple subplots.
  • For example let us start with a gplotmatrix.

    % Simulate X
    X = rand(100,4);
    % Simulate y with 3 groups
    y = [rand(10,1); rand(20,1)+1; rand(70,1)+2];
    group= [2*ones(10,1); ones(20,1); zeros(70,1)];
    % Generate the scatter matrix
    [H,AX,bigax] = gplotmatrix(X,y,group);
    % Set the DisplayName property (i.e. the texts of the legend) in all panels.
    % Note that in the gplotmatrix only one legend is visible.
    set(H(:,:,1),'DisplayName','group 1');
    set(H(:,:,2),'DisplayName','group 2');
    set(H(:,:,3),'DisplayName','group 3');
    % Get the new legend texts directly from the plot
    % To take account a change in property names of the legend object in 2016b
    if verLessThan('matlab','9.1')
    legnew = get(getappdata(AX(1,end),legstring),'String');
    % Get the handles of the legend to update
    hLines  = findobj(AX(1,end), 'type', 'line');
    % Update the legend and make them clickable
    clickableMultiLegend(sort(hLines), legnew{:});
    % Now, it is possible to click with the mouse on the different entries
    % to hide/show a particular group of units. For example, clicking on the
    % entry "group 2" in the legend we hide group 2.
    % Function gplotmatrix generates the legend texts automatically, based on
    % the values in the vector defined by option 'group'. In the example above we
    % have re-defined manually the legend texts set by option 'group' (which are
    % '1', '2' and '3') as "group 1", "group 2" and "group 3". More conveniently,
    % especially when the number of groups is not known in advance, one may
    % re-define the legend texts in a more general way as follows:
    % it is convenient to reshape the gplotmatrix handles array to make it
    % more manageable: while H is a 3-dimensional array with the third
    % dimension associated to the groups, newH is 2-dimensional with lines
    % associated to the subplots of the scatterplot and columns associated
    % to the groups.
    nleg = numel(hLines);
    newH = reshape(H,numel(H)/nleg,nleg);
    % redefine the legend texts
    for i = 1 : nleg
    set(newH(:,i),'DisplayName',['Redefined group n. ' num2str(i)]);
    % If the legend texts were clickable before the re-definition, they
    % will remain clickable.

    Input Arguments

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    Name-Value Pair Arguments

    Specify optional comma-separated pairs of Name,Value arguments. Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name must appear inside single quotes (' '). You can specify several name and value pair arguments in any order as Name1,Value1,...,NameN,ValueN.


    Output Arguments

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    varargout —HLEG : handle to legend. Graphics handle

    This is the handle to legend on the current axes or empty if none exists.


    Deoras A. (2008), href="clickableLegend.html">clickableLegend [clickableMultiLegend extends the clickableLegend by Ameya Deoras to figures with one legend for several subplots].

    See Also


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