
GUIpowermean shows the necessary calculations to obtain the power (generalized) mean in a GUI.



The power mean (also known as generalized mean, or Holder mean or Kolmogorov-Negumo function of the mean), is an abstraction of the Pythagorean means. It includes the harmonic $(s=-1)$, geometric ($s\rightarrow 0$), and arithmetic ($s=1$), quadratic ($s=2$), cubic mean ($s=3$). When $s \rightarrow -\infty$ the power mean tends to $x_{min}$ and when $s\rightarrow +\infty$ the power mean tends to $x_{max}$.


out =GUIpowermean(x, s) Example of use of the cubic mean.


out =GUIpowermean(x, s, w) Example of use of weighted geometric mean.


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  • Example of use of the cubic mean.
  • See page 92 of [MRZ]

    x=[60 30 50 50  80 35000  80 95];
    Click here for the graphical output of this example (link to Ro.S.A. website).

  • Example of use of weighted geometric mean.
  • See page 82 of [MRZ]

    x=[1.01 1.02 1.03];
    w=[2 6 4];
    Click here for the graphical output of this example (link to Ro.S.A. website).

    Input Arguments

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    x — vector of numeric data. Vector.

    Vector containing strictly numerical data.

    Data Types: double

    s — power indicator. Scalar.

    Power indicator for the desired mean ($s=- \inf= x_{min}$; $s=-1$ harmonic mean; $s=0$ geometric mean; $s=1$ = arithmetic mean; $s=2$ quadratic mean; $s=3$ cubic mean, $s=+\inf$ = $x_{max}$).

    Example - 1:10

    Data Types: double

    Optional Arguments

    w — weights. Vector.

    Vector of the same length of x containing the weights assigned to each observation. If w is not supplied we assume that all observations have weight equal to 1.

    Example: 1:10

    Data Types: double

    Output Arguments

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    out —detailed output to compute the index. Table

    Table with n+1 rows (where n is the length of x) containing what is shown in the GUI. Last row contains the totals.


    Milioli, M.A., Riani, M., Zani, S. (2019), "Introduzione all'analisi dei dati statistici (Quarta edizione ampliata)". [MRZ]

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