A vector with n elements that
contains the response
variable. It can be either a row or a column vector.
Data Types: single| double
Data matrix of explanatory
variables (also called 'regressors')
of dimension (n x p-1). Rows of X represent observations, and
columns represent variables.
Data Types: single| double
Vector containing the
list of units flagged as possible VIOM
outliers to be downweighted.
Example - 'dw',10:15
Data Types: single| double
Specify optional comma-separated pairs of Name,Value
is the argument name and Value
is the corresponding value. Name
must appear
inside single quotes (' '
You can specify several name and value pair arguments in any order as
, 'mult',false
, 'trim',[1,2,3]
, 'trsh',5
, 'cook',1
If true, a model with constant term will be fitted,
else no constant term will be included.
true (default) | false.
Example: 'intercept',false
Data Types: boolean
If mult==true the weights are jointly estimated by iterative REML.
Default is mult==false and singularly optimal weights are
estimated using REML closed form solution.
Example: 'mult',false
Data Types: boolean
which contains the units (row numbers) that are forced to
have 0 weights. By default no units are trimmed, i.e. trim==[].
Example: 'trim',[1,2,3]
Data Types: double
If thrsh>0 all the (standard) residuals greater than trsh
are set to 0. [[TBA:modify to studentized or scaled residuals]]
If trsh<1 all the estimated weights smaller than trsh are
forced to be 0.
If trsh==0 (default option) no weights are forced to be 0.
(Note: It might be useful to reduce the computational burden).
Example: 'trsh',5
Data Types: double
Scalar. Default cook==0 and Thompson (1985) formula
based on REMLE is used.
Example: 'cook',1
Data Types: double