rows2varsFS calls rows2vars but the the names of the cols of the original table become rownames
MATLAB function rows2vars transforms T1 of size n-by-p into T2 of size p-by-(n+1). The first column of T2 is called OriginalVariableNames and contains the names of the table variables from T1 and the RowNames of T2 are empty. FSDA function rows2varsFS transforms T1 of size n-by-p into T2 of size p-by-n. The names of the variables of T1 become the names of the rows of T2. For example, if T1 has two rows and five columns, after the call T2=rows2varsFS(T1) has five rows and 5 columns.
The RowNames of T2 are the original variable names of T1 and viceversa.
Example with RowNames in the original table.T2
Name, Value
load patients T1 = table(LastName,Gender,Age,Height,Weight); disp('Original table (first 5 rows)') disp(head(T1,5)) disp('Output of rows2vars (first 5 columns)') T2=rows2vars(T1) disp(head(T2(:,1:5))) disp('Output of rows2varsFS (first 5 columns)') T2fs=rows2varsFS(T1); disp(head(T2fs(:,1:5)))
Original table (first 5 rows) LastName Gender Age Height Weight ____________ __________ ___ ______ ______ {'Smith' } {'Male' } 38 71 176 {'Johnson' } {'Male' } 43 69 163 {'Williams'} {'Female'} 38 64 131 {'Jones' } {'Female'} 40 67 133 {'Brown' } {'Female'} 49 64 119 Output of rows2vars (first 5 columns) T2 = 5×101 table OriginalVariableNames Var1 Var2 Var3 Var4 Var5 Var6 Var7 Var8 Var9 Var10 Var11 Var12 Var13 Var14 Var15 Var16 Var17 Var18 Var19 Var20 Var21 Var22 Var23 Var24 Var25 Var26 Var27 Var28 Var29 Var30 Var31 Var32 Var33 Var34 Var35 Var36 Var37 Var38 Var39 Var40 Var41 Var42 Var43 Var44 Var45 Var46 Var47 Var48 Var49 Var50 Var51 Var52 Var53 Var54 Var55 Var56 Var57 Var58 Var59 Var60 Var61 Var62 Var63 Var64 Var65 Var66 Var67 Var68 Var69 Var70 Var71 Var72 Var73 Var74 Var75 Var76 Var77 Var78 Var79 Var80 Var81 Var82 Var83 Var84 Var85 Var86 Var87 Var88 Var89 Var90 Var91 Var92 Var93 Var94 Var95 Var96 Var97 Var98 Var99 Var100 _____________________ _________ ___________ ____________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ _________ __________ ____________ __________ ___________ _________ __________ __________ ____________ __________ ____________ ____________ __________ _____________ __________ __________ __________ ________ __________ __________ _____________ ________ __________ __________ __________ _________ _________ __________ _________ ____________ __________ __________ ____________ _________ ___________ __________ ____________ ____________ __________ __________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ __________ __________ ________ __________ __________ ________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ______________ __________ __________ ________ __________ ____________ __________ ___________ _________ __________ __________ __________ ___________ _________ ___________ ________ __________ __________ _____________ ___________ ___________ __________ __________ ________ _____________ __________ __________ ______________ __________ ___________ __________ ____________ __________ _____________ ___________ ___________ ________ _________ {'LastName'} {'Smith'} {'Johnson'} {'Williams'} {'Jones' } {'Brown' } {'Davis' } {'Miller'} {'Wilson'} {'Moore'} {'Taylor'} {'Anderson'} {'Thomas'} {'Jackson'} {'White'} {'Harris'} {'Martin'} {'Thompson'} {'Garcia'} {'Martinez'} {'Robinson'} {'Clark' } {'Rodriguez'} {'Lewis' } {'Lee' } {'Walker'} {'Hall'} {'Allen' } {'Young' } {'Hernandez'} {'King'} {'Wright'} {'Lopez' } {'Hill' } {'Scott'} {'Green'} {'Adams' } {'Baker'} {'Gonzalez'} {'Nelson'} {'Carter'} {'Mitchell'} {'Perez'} {'Roberts'} {'Turner'} {'Phillips'} {'Campbell'} {'Parker'} {'Evans' } {'Edwards'} {'Collins'} {'Stewart'} {'Sanchez'} {'Morris'} {'Rogers'} {'Reed'} {'Cook' } {'Morgan'} {'Bell'} {'Murphy'} {'Bailey'} {'Rivera'} {'Cooper'} {'Richardson'} {'Cox' } {'Howard'} {'Ward'} {'Torres'} {'Peterson'} {'Gray' } {'Ramirez'} {'James'} {'Watson'} {'Brooks'} {'Kelly' } {'Sanders'} {'Price'} {'Bennett'} {'Wood'} {'Barnes'} {'Ross' } {'Henderson'} {'Coleman'} {'Jenkins'} {'Perry' } {'Powell'} {'Long'} {'Patterson'} {'Hughes'} {'Flores'} {'Washington'} {'Butler'} {'Simmons'} {'Foster'} {'Gonzales'} {'Bryant'} {'Alexander'} {'Russell'} {'Griffin'} {'Diaz'} {'Hayes'} {'Gender' } {'Male' } {'Male' } {'Female' } {'Female'} {'Female'} {'Female'} {'Female'} {'Male' } {'Male' } {'Female'} {'Female' } {'Female'} {'Male' } {'Male' } {'Female'} {'Male' } {'Male' } {'Female'} {'Male' } {'Male' } {'Female'} {'Female' } {'Female'} {'Female'} {'Female'} {'Male'} {'Female'} {'Female'} {'Male' } {'Male'} {'Female'} {'Female'} {'Female'} {'Male' } {'Male' } {'Female'} {'Male' } {'Female' } {'Male' } {'Female'} {'Male' } {'Male' } {'Male' } {'Male' } {'Male' } {'Female' } {'Male' } {'Female'} {'Male' } {'Male' } {'Male' } {'Female' } {'Female'} {'Female'} {'Male'} {'Female'} {'Female'} {'Male'} {'Male' } {'Female'} {'Female'} {'Female'} {'Female' } {'Female'} {'Female'} {'Male'} {'Female'} {'Female' } {'Female'} {'Female' } {'Male' } {'Female'} {'Male' } {'Female'} {'Female' } {'Male' } {'Female' } {'Male'} {'Male' } {'Female'} {'Male' } {'Male' } {'Male' } {'Female'} {'Female'} {'Male'} {'Female' } {'Female'} {'Female'} {'Female' } {'Male' } {'Male' } {'Female'} {'Male' } {'Female'} {'Male' } {'Male' } {'Male' } {'Male'} {'Male' } {'Age' } {[ 38]} {[ 43]} {[ 38]} {[ 40]} {[ 49]} {[ 46]} {[ 33]} {[ 40]} {[ 28]} {[ 31]} {[ 45]} {[ 42]} {[ 25]} {[ 39]} {[ 36]} {[ 48]} {[ 32]} {[ 27]} {[ 37]} {[ 50]} {[ 48]} {[ 39]} {[ 41]} {[ 44]} {[ 28]} {[ 25]} {[ 39]} {[ 25]} {[ 36]} {[ 30]} {[ 45]} {[ 40]} {[ 25]} {[ 47]} {[ 44]} {[ 48]} {[ 44]} {[ 35]} {[ 33]} {[ 38]} {[ 39]} {[ 44]} {[ 44]} {[ 37]} {[ 45]} {[ 37]} {[ 30]} {[ 39]} {[ 42]} {[ 42]} {[ 49]} {[ 44]} {[ 43]} {[ 47]} {[ 50]} {[ 38]} {[ 41]} {[ 45]} {[ 36]} {[ 38]} {[ 29]} {[ 28]} {[ 30]} {[ 28]} {[ 29]} {[ 36]} {[ 45]} {[ 32]} {[ 31]} {[ 48]} {[ 25]} {[ 40]} {[ 39]} {[ 41]} {[ 33]} {[ 31]} {[ 35]} {[ 32]} {[ 42]} {[ 48]} {[ 34]} {[ 39]} {[ 28]} {[ 29]} {[ 32]} {[ 39]} {[ 37]} {[ 49]} {[ 31]} {[ 37]} {[ 38]} {[ 45]} {[ 30]} {[ 48]} {[ 48]} {[ 25]} {[ 44]} {[ 49]} {[ 45]} {[ 48]} {'Height' } {[ 71]} {[ 69]} {[ 64]} {[ 67]} {[ 64]} {[ 68]} {[ 64]} {[ 68]} {[ 68]} {[ 66]} {[ 68]} {[ 66]} {[ 71]} {[ 72]} {[ 65]} {[ 71]} {[ 69]} {[ 69]} {[ 70]} {[ 68]} {[ 65]} {[ 64]} {[ 62]} {[ 66]} {[ 65]} {[ 70]} {[ 63]} {[ 63]} {[ 68]} {[ 67]} {[ 70]} {[ 66]} {[ 64]} {[ 70]} {[ 71]} {[ 66]} {[ 71]} {[ 66]} {[ 66]} {[ 63]} {[ 71]} {[ 69]} {[ 70]} {[ 70]} {[ 67]} {[ 65]} {[ 68]} {[ 62]} {[ 70]} {[ 67]} {[ 68]} {[ 62]} {[ 64]} {[ 66]} {[ 72]} {[ 63]} {[ 66]} {[ 70]} {[ 71]} {[ 68]} {[ 63]} {[ 65]} {[ 67]} {[ 66]} {[ 68]} {[ 71]} {[ 70]} {[ 60]} {[ 64]} {[ 64]} {[ 66]} {[ 64]} {[ 72]} {[ 65]} {[ 67]} {[ 72]} {[ 64]} {[ 68]} {[ 66]} {[ 64]} {[ 68]} {[ 69]} {[ 69]} {[ 64]} {[ 63]} {[ 68]} {[ 65]} {[ 63]} {[ 66]} {[ 65]} {[ 68]} {[ 71]} {[ 70]} {[ 71]} {[ 66]} {[ 69]} {[ 69]} {[ 70]} {[ 68]} {[ 66]} {'Weight' } {[ 176]} {[ 163]} {[ 131]} {[ 133]} {[ 119]} {[ 142]} {[ 142]} {[ 180]} {[ 183]} {[ 132]} {[ 128]} {[ 137]} {[ 174]} {[ 202]} {[ 129]} {[ 181]} {[ 191]} {[ 131]} {[ 179]} {[ 172]} {[ 133]} {[ 117]} {[ 137]} {[ 146]} {[ 123]} {[ 189]} {[ 143]} {[ 114]} {[ 166]} {[ 186]} {[ 126]} {[ 137]} {[ 138]} {[ 187]} {[ 193]} {[ 137]} {[ 192]} {[ 118]} {[ 180]} {[ 128]} {[ 164]} {[ 183]} {[ 169]} {[ 194]} {[ 172]} {[ 135]} {[ 182]} {[ 121]} {[ 158]} {[ 179]} {[ 170]} {[ 136]} {[ 135]} {[ 147]} {[ 186]} {[ 124]} {[ 134]} {[ 170]} {[ 180]} {[ 130]} {[ 130]} {[ 127]} {[ 141]} {[ 111]} {[ 134]} {[ 189]} {[ 137]} {[ 136]} {[ 130]} {[ 137]} {[ 186]} {[ 127]} {[ 176]} {[ 127]} {[ 115]} {[ 178]} {[ 131]} {[ 183]} {[ 194]} {[ 126]} {[ 186]} {[ 188]} {[ 189]} {[ 120]} {[ 132]} {[ 182]} {[ 120]} {[ 123]} {[ 141]} {[ 129]} {[ 184]} {[ 181]} {[ 124]} {[ 174]} {[ 134]} {[ 171]} {[ 188]} {[ 186]} {[ 172]} {[ 177]} OriginalVariableNames Var1 Var2 Var3 Var4 _____________________ _________ ___________ ____________ __________ {'LastName'} {'Smith'} {'Johnson'} {'Williams'} {'Jones' } {'Gender' } {'Male' } {'Male' } {'Female' } {'Female'} {'Age' } {[ 38]} {[ 43]} {[ 38]} {[ 40]} {'Height' } {[ 71]} {[ 69]} {[ 64]} {[ 67]} {'Weight' } {[ 176]} {[ 163]} {[ 131]} {[ 133]} Output of rows2varsFS (first 5 columns) Var1 Var2 Var3 Var4 Var5 _________ ___________ ____________ __________ __________ LastName {'Smith'} {'Johnson'} {'Williams'} {'Jones' } {'Brown' } Gender {'Male' } {'Male' } {'Female' } {'Female'} {'Female'} Age {[ 38]} {[ 43]} {[ 38]} {[ 40]} {[ 49]} Height {[ 71]} {[ 69]} {[ 64]} {[ 67]} {[ 64]} Weight {[ 176]} {[ 163]} {[ 131]} {[ 133]} {[ 119]}
load patients T1 = table(Gender,Age,Height,Weight,'RowNames',LastName); disp('Original table (first 5 rows)') head(T1,5) T2=rows2vars(T1); disp('Output of rows2vars (first 5 columns)') disp(head(T2(:,1:5))) disp('Output of rows2varsFS (first 5 columns)') T2fs=rows2varsFS(T1); disp(head(T2fs(:,1:5)))
Original table (first 5 rows) Gender Age Height Weight __________ ___ ______ ______ Smith {'Male' } 38 71 176 Johnson {'Male' } 43 69 163 Williams {'Female'} 38 64 131 Jones {'Female'} 40 67 133 Brown {'Female'} 49 64 119 Output of rows2vars (first 5 columns) OriginalVariableNames Smith Johnson Williams Jones _____________________ ________ ________ __________ __________ {'Gender'} {'Male'} {'Male'} {'Female'} {'Female'} {'Age' } {[ 38]} {[ 43]} {[ 38]} {[ 40]} {'Height'} {[ 71]} {[ 69]} {[ 64]} {[ 67]} {'Weight'} {[ 176]} {[ 163]} {[ 131]} {[ 133]} Output of rows2varsFS (first 5 columns) Smith Johnson Williams Jones Brown ________ ________ __________ __________ __________ Gender {'Male'} {'Male'} {'Female'} {'Female'} {'Female'} Age {[ 38]} {[ 43]} {[ 38]} {[ 40]} {[ 49]} Height {[ 71]} {[ 69]} {[ 64]} {[ 67]} {[ 64]} Weight {[ 176]} {[ 163]} {[ 131]} {[ 133]} {[ 119]}
load patients T1 = table(Gender,Age,Height,Weight,'RowNames',LastName); disp('Original table (first 5 rows)') head(T1,5) disp('Output of rows2vars (first 5 columns)') T2=rows2vars(T1,'DataVariables',["Gender" "Age"]); disp(head(T2(:,1:5))) disp('Output of rows2varsFS ') T2fs=rows2varsFS(T1,'DataVariables',["Gender" "Age"]); disp(head(T2fs(:,1:5)))
Original table (first 5 rows) Gender Age Height Weight __________ ___ ______ ______ Smith {'Male' } 38 71 176 Johnson {'Male' } 43 69 163 Williams {'Female'} 38 64 131 Jones {'Female'} 40 67 133 Brown {'Female'} 49 64 119 Output of rows2vars (first 5 columns) OriginalVariableNames Smith Johnson Williams Jones _____________________ ________ ________ __________ __________ {'Gender'} {'Male'} {'Male'} {'Female'} {'Female'} {'Age' } {[ 38]} {[ 43]} {[ 38]} {[ 40]} Output of rows2varsFS Smith Johnson Williams Jones Brown ________ ________ __________ __________ __________ Gender {'Male'} {'Male'} {'Female'} {'Female'} {'Female'} Age {[ 38]} {[ 43]} {[ 38]} {[ 40]} {[ 49]}
T1 = readtable('patients.xls'); disp('Original table (first 5 rows)') head(T1,5) T2=rows2vars(T1,'VariableNamesSource','LastName'); disp('Output of rows2vars (first 5 columns)') disp(head(T2(:,1:5))) disp('Output of rows2varsFS (first 5 columns)') T2fs=rows2varsFS(T1,'VariableNamesSource','LastName'); disp(head(T2fs(:,1:5)))
Original table (first 5 rows) LastName Gender Age Location Height Weight Smoker Systolic Diastolic SelfAssessedHealthStatus ____________ __________ ___ _____________________________ ______ ______ ______ ________ _________ ________________________ {'Smith' } {'Male' } 38 {'County General Hospital' } 71 176 true 124 93 {'Excellent'} {'Johnson' } {'Male' } 43 {'VA Hospital' } 69 163 false 109 77 {'Fair' } {'Williams'} {'Female'} 38 {'St. Mary's Medical Center'} 64 131 false 125 83 {'Good' } {'Jones' } {'Female'} 40 {'VA Hospital' } 67 133 false 117 75 {'Fair' } {'Brown' } {'Female'} 49 {'County General Hospital' } 64 119 false 122 80 {'Good' } Output of rows2vars (first 5 columns) OriginalVariableNames Smith Johnson Williams Jones _____________________ ___________________________ _______________ _____________________________ _______________ {'Gender' } {'Male' } {'Male' } {'Female' } {'Female' } {'Age' } {[ 38]} {[ 43]} {[ 38]} {[ 40]} {'Location' } {'County General Hospital'} {'VA Hospital'} {'St. Mary's Medical Center'} {'VA Hospital'} {'Height' } {[ 71]} {[ 69]} {[ 64]} {[ 67]} {'Weight' } {[ 176]} {[ 163]} {[ 131]} {[ 133]} {'Smoker' } {[ 1]} {[ 0]} {[ 0]} {[ 0]} {'Systolic' } {[ 124]} {[ 109]} {[ 125]} {[ 117]} {'Diastolic'} {[ 93]} {[ 77]} {[ 83]} {[ 75]} Output of rows2varsFS (first 5 columns) Smith Johnson Williams Jones Brown ___________________________ _______________ _____________________________ _______________ ___________________________ Gender {'Male' } {'Male' } {'Female' } {'Female' } {'Female' } Age {[ 38]} {[ 43]} {[ 38]} {[ 40]} {[ 49]} Location {'County General Hospital'} {'VA Hospital'} {'St. Mary's Medical Center'} {'VA Hospital'} {'County General Hospital'} Height {[ 71]} {[ 69]} {[ 64]} {[ 67]} {[ 64]} Weight {[ 176]} {[ 163]} {[ 131]} {[ 133]} {[ 119]} Smoker {[ 1]} {[ 0]} {[ 0]} {[ 0]} {[ 0]} Systolic {[ 124]} {[ 109]} {[ 125]} {[ 117]} {[ 122]} Diastolic {[ 93]} {[ 77]} {[ 83]} {[ 75]} {[ 80]}
Go to the folder where bostonTT is located.
openExample('matlab/ReorientTimetableRowsExample') load bostonTT T1=Boston; disp('Original table (first 5 rows)') head(T1,5) T2=rows2vars(T1,'VariableNamingRule','preserve'); disp('Output of rows2vars (first 5 columns)') disp(head(T2(:,1:5))) disp('Output of rows2varsFS (first 5 columns)') T2fs=rows2varsFS(T1,'VariableNamingRule','preserve'); disp(head(T2fs(:,1:5)))
Original table (first 5 rows) Time Temp WindSpeed Rain ___________________ ____ _________ ____ 2016-06-09 06:03:00 59.5 0.1 0.05 2016-06-09 12:00:23 63 2.3 0.08 2016-06-09 18:02:57 61.7 3.1 0.13 2016-06-10 06:01:47 55.4 5.7 0.15 2016-06-10 12:06:00 62.3 2.6 0.87 Output of rows2vars (first 5 columns) OriginalVariableNames 2016-06-09 06:03:00 2016-06-09 12:00:23 2016-06-09 18:02:57 2016-06-10 06:01:47 _____________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ {'Temp' } 59.5 63 61.7 55.4 {'WindSpeed'} 0.1 2.3 3.1 5.7 {'Rain' } 0.05 0.08 0.13 0.15 Output of rows2varsFS (first 5 columns) 2016-06-09 06:03:00 2016-06-09 12:00:23 2016-06-09 18:02:57 2016-06-10 06:01:47 2016-06-10 12:06:00 ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ Temp 59.5 63 61.7 55.4 62.3 WindSpeed 0.1 2.3 3.1 5.7 2.6 Rain 0.05 0.08 0.13 0.15 0.87
— Origianal table.
table or timetable.Input table, specified as a table or timetable of size n-by-p.
Data Types: single| double
Specify optional comma-separated pairs of Name,Value
is the argument name and Value
is the corresponding value. Name
must appear
inside single quotes (' '
You can specify several name and value pair arguments in any order as
, 'VariableNamingRule','preserve'
—Selected variables from T1.string array | character vector.Indication of the variables that have to be reoriented.
See help of rows2vars for additional details
Example: 'bonflev',0.99
Data Types: string array | character vector | cell array of character vectors | pattern scalar | positive integer | vector of positive integers | logical vector
—Rule for naming variables in T2.| modify' (default) | 'preserve'.See help of rows2vars for additional details
Example: 'VariableNamingRule','preserve'
Data Types: string | char
—table with p rows and n columns.
Where p is the number of columns of T1
or length(DataVariables)n is the number of rows of the input table.
The RowNames of T2 are the VariableNames of T1 the VariableNames specified in DataVariables