
quickselectFSw finds the 100*p-th weighted order statistic for $0<p<1$


  • kD =quickselectFSw(D,W)example
  • kD =quickselectFSw(D,W,p)example
  • [kD , kW ]=quickselectFSw(___)example
  • [kD , kW , kstar]=quickselectFSw(___)example
  • [kD , kW , kstar, varargout]=quickselectFSw(___)example


quickselectFSw generalises the calculation of the weighted median to a generic percentile $100pth (0<p<1)$. It finds the p-th weighted order statistic in the elements of a data vector $D$ considering the associated weights $W$. More precisely, the algorithm finds the element $D_{k^{*}}$ that make the following difference as small as possible: $\sum_{i=1}^{k^{*}_{p} - 1} w_{i} - \sum_{i=k^{*}_{p}+1}^{n} w_{i}$.

The linear algorithm used for the computation extends quickselectFS.

REMARK: we also provide the mex counterpart, quickselectFSwmex; see the last example to understand how it works.


kD =quickselectFSw(D, W) quickselectFSw without optional parameter p, giving the weighted median.


kD =quickselectFSw(D, W, p) quickselectFSw with sum of weights taking any positive value.


[kD , kW ] =quickselectFSw(___) quickselectFSw with negative weights.


[kD , kW , kstar] =quickselectFSw(___) quickselectFSw with negative weights - example 2.


[kD , kW , kstar, varargout] =quickselectFSw(___) quickselectFSw for computing a generic weighted percentile.


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  • quickselectFSw without optional parameter p, giving the weighted median.
  • The median is 3 but the weighted one is 4, corresponding to the weight 0.3.

    A = [1 2 3 4 5];
    W = [0.15 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.25];
    [kD, kW , kstar] = quickselectFSw(A,W);

  • quickselectFSw with sum of weights taking any positive value.
  • The weights usually are forced to sum to 1. However, our algorithm does not have this limitation.

    % Case of sum of weights greater than 1.
    % This is equivalent to the previous example, but the weights have been
    % multiplied by 10. Therefore, results should be identical even if the
    % sum of the weights is not one. 
    A = [1 2 3 4 5];
    W = [0.15 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.25];
    [kD, kW , kstar] = quickselectFSw(A,W);
    W2 = [1.5 1 2 3 2.5];
    [kD2, kW2 , kstar2] = quickselectFSw(A,W2);
    % Case of sum of weights positive, but smaller than 1
    W3 = [0.015 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.025];
    [kD3, kW3 , kstar3] = quickselectFSw(A,W3);
    W4 = [0.0015 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.0025];
    [kD4, kW4 , kstar4] = quickselectFSw(A,W4);

  • quickselectFSw with negative weights.
  • This is an atypical case, but may find interesting applications, for example in the simplex algorithm for the choice of the pivot.

    % quickselectFSw cannot be applied directly with the negative weights, 
    % but a trivial change of the 
    % observations and weights can lead to the solution.
    % The approach proposed in this example is taken from 
    % G. R. Arce, "A general weighted median filter structure admitting
    % negative weights," in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 46,
    % no. 12, pp. 3195-3205, Dec. 1998, doi: 10.1109/78.735296. 
    p    = 0.5;
    A    = [-2 2 -1 3 6];
    W    = [0.1 0.2 0.3 -0.2 0.1];
    % Arce(1998) step 1a: take the sign of weights
    sW   = sign(W);
    % Arce(1998) step 1b: take the absolute value of the weights
    absW = abs(W);
    % Arce(1998) step 1c: take the "W-signed" observations 
    sWA  = sW .* A;
    % Arce(1998) step 2: compute the weighted median of sWA with weights absW 
    [swm, swwm , kstar] = quickselectFSw(sWA,absW,p);
    % Step 3: retrieve the weighted median and corresponding weight
    %         with the right original sign
    %   3a: index of weighted median and corrisponding weight 
    kstar_AW = find(sWA==swm & absW==swwm);
    %   3b: final weighted median, with the initial sign 
    wm       = sW(kstar_AW) * swm;
    %   3c: the weight of the weighted median, with the initial sign
    wwm      = W(kstar_AW);

  • quickselectFSw with negative weights - example 2.
  • This is another atypical case, with negative weights, taken from Gonzalo R. Arce (2002) Recursive Weighted Median Filters Admitting Negative Weights and Their Optimization, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING, VOL. 48, NO. 3, MARCH 2000, pp 768-779.

    % Note that Arce (2002), being this an even sample, takes the mean 
    % of two middle values with a different approach using sorting.
    p    = 0.5;
    A    = [-2 2 -1 3 6 8];
    W    = [0.2 0.4 0.6 -0.4 0.2 0.2];
    % Arce(1998) step 1a: take the sign of weights
    sW   = sign(W);
    % Arce(1998) step 1b: take the absolute value of the weights
    absW = abs(W);
    % Arce(1998) step 1c: take the "W-signed" observations 
    sWA  = sW .* A;
    % Arce(1998) step 2: compute the weighted median of sWA with weights absW 
    [swm, swwm , kstar] = quickselectFSw(sWA,absW,p);
    % Step 3: retrieve the weighted median and corresponding weight
    %         with the right original sign
    %   3a: index of weighted median and corrisponding weight 
    kstar_AW = find(sWA==swm & absW==swwm);
    %   3b: final weighted median, with the initial sign 
    wm       = sW(kstar_AW) * swm;
    %   3c: the weight of the weighted median, with the initial sign
    wwm      = W(kstar_AW);

  • quickselectFSw for computing a generic weighted percentile.
  • A=[1 2 3 4 5];
    W=[0.15 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.25];
    perc = 25;
    p    = perc/100;
    [kD, kW , kstar] = quickselectFSw(A,W,p);

    Related Examples

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  • quickselectFSw with the optional output array partially sorted.
  • A=randperm(10);
    perc = 30;
    p    = perc/100;
    [~, ~ , ~, As] = quickselectFSw(A,W,p);

  • quickselectFSw when the weights are all equal.
  • The weighted order statistic may logically reduce to the simple order statistic, but pay attention to the different wy to treat even and odd arrays.

    % Very fast way to check if elements of vector are all equal
    allequal=true; e=2;
    while allequal && e<n
    if W(1)==W(e), e=e+1; else , allequal=false; end
    if allequal
    % Option 1: apply the standard quickselectFS. Note that if the array
    % has an even number of elements, we need to apply quickselectFS
    % twice and take the average of the two contiguous order statistics.
    k = floor(p*n);
    kD = quickselectFS(D,k+1);
    if mod(n,2) == 0
    kD2 = quickselectFS(D,k);
    kD  = (kD+kD2)/2;
    % Option2: apply quickselectFSw. No need to check for equal weights,
    % but the weighted order statistic with percentile p may produce a
    % different result if the number of elements in the array is even.
    kDw = quickselectFSw(D,W,p);
    disp(['quickselectFS  -> ' num2str(kD)]);
    disp(['quickselectFSw -> ' num2str(kDw)]);
    quickselectFS  -> 200.5
    quickselectFSw -> 201

  • Verify the definition of weighted order statistic.
  • Check the weighted median, that is p=0.5.

    % The weighted median is the value $x$ which minimizes the weighted
    % mean absolute deviation $\sum w_{i} | x_{i} - x |$.
    N  = 10000;
    D  = randperm(N);
    W  = abs(randn(1,N));
    W1 = W/sum(W);
    p = 0.5;
    [wm , ww , kstar, wdSort] = quickselectFSw(D,W,p);
    kstar_D = find(D==wm);
    kstar_W = find(W==ww);
    disp(['this is the weighted median  = ' num2str(wm)]);
    disp(['this is kstar                = ' num2str(kstar)]);
    disp(['this is the index of wm in D = ' num2str(kstar_D)]);
    disp(['this is the index of ww in W = ' num2str(kstar_W)]);
    % compute the objective function with the definition
    obj = sum(W.*abs(D-wm));
    disp('check if there are elements with smaller/equal objective function');
    check = false;
    for i = 1 : N
    obj_i = sum(W.*abs(D-D(i)));
    if (i ~= kstar_D) && (obj_i <= obj)
    disp(['this is i = ' num2str(i)  ' - this is D(i) = ' num2str(D(i))]);
    check = true;
    if check
    disp('optimal obj is not unique');
    disp('optimal obj is unique');
    this is the weighted median  = 5051
    this is kstar                = 5051
    this is the index of wm in D = 959
    this is the index of ww in W = 959
    check if there are elements with smaller/equal objective function
    optimal obj is unique

  • Use the mex function quickselectFSwmex.
  • REMARK 1: it is necessary to pass the number of data elements.

    % REMARK 2: it is necessary to pass a modified copy of the data and 
    % weight arrays as indicated in the example, as the function change the
    % order of the elements in the original arrays (variables are passed by
    % reference).
    N = 10000;
    W = abs(randn(N,1));
    W = W/sum(W);
    p = 0.5;
    [wm , ww , kstar, wdSort]  = quickselectFSw(D,W,p);
    % The next two lines are necessary to break the link between D and the
    % copy which will be passed by reference to quickselectFSwmex
    D_copy = D; D_copy(end+1)=999; D_copy(end)=[]; 
    W_copy = W; W_copy(end+1)=999; W_copy(end)=[]; 
    wm_mex = aux.quickselectFSwmex(D_copy,W_copy,0.5,N);
    disp('  ');
    disp(['this is wm      = ' num2str(wm)]);
    disp(['this is wm_mex  = ' num2str(wm_mex)]);
    % if zero, the sorted arrays are equal. 
    sum(W_copy    - wdSort(:,2))
    sum(D_copy(:) - wdSort(:,1))

    Input Arguments

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    D — Input data. Vector.

    A vector containing a set of $n$ data elements.

    Data Types: double

    W — Weights. Vector.

    The vector contains a set of n positive weights.

    It is not necessary that the weights sum to 1.

    Data Types: double

    Optional Arguments

    p — 100pth percentile ($0<p<1$). Scalar.

    A number between 0 and 1 indicating the fraction of total weights that should be considered in partitioning the associated input data. Default is p=0.5, leading to the weighted median.

    Example: p,0.2

    Data Types: double

    Output Arguments

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    kD —weighted order statistic in D. Scalar

    Element kstar in vector D ($D(k^{*})$), for which we have $\sum_{i=1}^{k^{*}-1} w_i<=p$ and $\sum_{j=k^{*}+1}^{n} w_j<=1-p$.

    kW —weight associated to kD. Scalar

    Element kstar in vector W. The weight partition around kW is optimal in the sense that the sum of the weights on its left is as close as possible to $p$ and those on its right account for the remaining $1-p$.

    kstar —the index of kD in D and of kW in W. Scalar

    It is the position of the weighted order statistic in the internal data and weight vectors, that is $D(k^{*})$ and $W(k^{*})$.

    varargout —Ds : Output vector. Array

    At the and of the computation the vector [D(:) , W(:)] is appropriately partitioned around kstar. It is returned ordered in the interval (1:kstar-1,:). Remark: this operation sorts only part of the array, but it can still slow down the algorithm.

    More About

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    Additional Details

    quickselectFSw builds on quickselectFS, the algorithm used to find order statistics. Data and weights are collapsed to a single vector D=[D(:),W(:)] (point 2). The core part of quickselectFS is called on D assuming that the weighted percentile is in position k=ceil(n*p) (point 3). This step permutes vector D so that the elements in positions (1:k-1,:) are smaller than the element at position k. At this point we check if the array fulfills the weighted median condition by Bleich and Overton (1985) (point 5). If so, we stop computation (point 6.). If not, we apply again the core part of quickselectFS on either D(1:k,:) with k+1, or D(k:n,:) with k-1. The iteration will remove or add weights in order to approach the optimality condition (see points 7,8 and 9). The process is iterated till success.


    Bleich, C. and Overton, M.L. (1983), A linear-time algorithm for the weighted median problem. Technical Report 75, New York University, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences.

    Azzini, I., Perrotta, D. and Torti, F. (2023), A practically efficient fixed-pivot selection algorithm and its extensible MATLAB suite, "arXiv, stat.ME, eprint 2302.05705"

    See Also

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