2D array or table which contains the input contingency
table (say of size I-by-J) or the original data matrix X.
In this last case N=crosstab(X(:,1),X(:,2)). As default
procedure assumes that the input is a contingency table.
Data Types: single| double
Specify optional comma-separated pairs of Name,Value
is the argument name and Value
is the corresponding value. Name
must appear
inside single quotes (' '
You can specify several name and value pair arguments in any order as
, 'datamatrix',true
, 'Lr',{'a' 'b' 'c'}
, 'Lc',{'c1' c2' 'c3' 'c4'}
If you do not specify the axes, MATLAB plots into the
current axes, or it creates an Axes object if one does
not exist.
Example: 'ax',myaxes
Data Types: Axes object
datamatrix is true the first input argument N is forced to
be interpreted as a data matrix, else if the input argument
is false N is treated as a contingency table. The default
value of datamatrix is false, that is the procedure
automatically considers N as a contingency table (in array
or table format). If datamatrix is true, N can be an array
or a table of size n-by-2. Note that if N has more than two
columns balloonplot is based on the first two
columns of N (and a warning is produced).
Example: 'datamatrix',true
Data Types: logical
Cell containing the labels of the rows of the input
contingency matrix N. This option is unnecessary if N is a
table, because in this case Lr=N.Properties.RowNames;
Example: 'Lr',{'a' 'b' 'c'}
Data Types: cell array of strings
Cell containing the labels of the columns of the input
contingency matrix N. This option is unnecessary if N is a
table, because in this case Lc=N.Properties.VariableNames;
Example: 'Lc',{'c1' c2' 'c3' 'c4'}
Data Types: cell array of strings