zscoreFS computes (robust) standardized z scores
X can be a vector of length(n) or data matrix containing n observations on v variables or 3D array of size n-by-v-by-r or a table.
Z = zscoreFS(X) returns a centered, scaled version of X, with the same size as X. For vector input X, Z is the vector of z-scores (X-median(X)) ./ (1.4826* mad(X)).
Z=zscoreFS(X,loc,scale) returns a centered, scaled version of X, the same size as X using location and scale are specified in input parameters 'loc' and 'scale'. For vector input X, Z is the vector of z-scores (X-location(X)) ./ scale(X).
where scaled(X) is the corrected estimator of scale (corrected in the sense that it is multiplied by a coefficient to achieve consistency for normally distributed data).
Z=zscoreFS(X,loc,scale) computes robust standardized zscores using the estimates of location and scale specified in loc and scale strings. If X is a 2D matrix, zscores are computed using loc and scale along each column of X. If X is a 3D array zscores are computed using the location and scale along the first non-singleton dimension. For example if X is n-by-v-by-r (with n>1) and loc='median'; n-by-r medians are computed for each of the n rows of X and each third dimension r.
Z=zscoreFS(X,loc) computes standardized zscores using the estimates of location specified in loc and the mad as measure of dispersion.
[Z,mu,sigma] = zscoreFS(X) also returns median(X) in mu and mad in sigma.
[Z,mu,sigma] = zscoreFS(X,loc,scale) also returns the estimates of location in mu and of scale in sigma as specified in loc and scale strings.
Z=zscoreFS(X,loc,scale,dim) computes robust standardized zscores along the dimension dim of X using the estimates of location and scale specified in loc and scale strings. dim standardizes X by working along the dimension dim of X. For example if X is a two dimensional matrix dim=2 (default) standardizes the columns of X else if dim=1 standardizes the rows. If X is a three dimensional dim = 1 standardizes the columns, dim =2 standardizes the rows and dim =3 standardizes the third dimension.
zscoreFS is an extension of function zscore of statistic toolbox because it enables to specify alternative measures of location and scale.