non centrality parameter confidence interval (taken from effect_of_size_toolbox)
This function creates (using iteration) a two-sided confidence intervals for the noncentrality parameter of a noncentral $\chi^2$, $F$ or $t$ distribution with degrees of freedom $df$, given an abscissa value $x$.
This function has been taken from the MATLAB toolbox 'Measures of effect Size' by Harald Hentschke and Maik C. Stüttgen. and has been slighlty modified to be included into the FSDA toolbox.
Hentschke, H. and Stuttgen, M. (2011), Comuputation of measures of effect size for neuroscience data sets, "European Journal of Neuroscience", Vol. 34, pp. 1887-1894.
Smithson, M.J. (2003), "Confidence Intervals", Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences Series, No. 140. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. [pp. 39-41]
Hentschke, H. and Stuttgen, M. (2015), Measures of Effect Size Toolbox Version 1.4. [Code by Harald Hentschke (University of Tubingen) and Maik Stuttgen (University of Bochum)].
Steiger, J.H., and Fouladi, R.T. (1997), Noncentrality interval estimation and the evaluation of statistical models. In Harlow, L.L.,
This function has been taken and adapted from the MATLAB toolbox 'Measures of effect Size' by Harald Hentschke and Maik C. Stuttgen.