
histFS plots a histogram with the elements in each bin grouped according to a vector of labels.


  • ng=histFS(y,nbins,gy)example
  • ng=histFS(y,nbins,gy,gylab)example
  • ng=histFS(y,nbins,gy,gylab,ax)example
  • ng=histFS(y,nbins,gy,gylab,ax,barcolors)example
  • ng=histFS(y,nbins,gy,gylab,ax,barcolors,W)example
  • [ng, hb]=histFS(___)example



ng =histFS(y, nbins, gy) An example with 4 groups.


ng =histFS(y, nbins, gy, gylab) The same histogram is now plotted with different legends.


ng =histFS(y, nbins, gy, gylab, ax) The same histogram is now plotted with different colors.


ng =histFS(y, nbins, gy, gylab, ax, barcolors) Apply to the grouped histogram the legends of a different plot.


ng =histFS(y, nbins, gy, gylab, ax, barcolors, W) Example with personalised clickable legends.


[ng, hb] =histFS(___) Example of weighted histogram.


expand all

  • An example with 4 groups.
  • close all;
    y = randn(500,1);
    % four groups
    groups = randi(4,500,1);
    % number of bins
    nbins = 10;
    [ng, hb] = histFS(y,nbins,groups);
    title('Histogram with default color rotation (brcmykg)','interpreter','latex','FontSize',18);
    Click here for the graphical output of this example (link to Ro.S.A. website).

  • The same histogram is now plotted with different legends.
  • figure;
    y = randn(500,1);
    groups = randi(4,500,1);
    nbins = 10;
    [ng, hb] = histFS(y,nbins,groups,{'BMW','FIAT','VOLVO','FERRARI'});
    title('The same, with personalized legends','interpreter','latex','FontSize',18);
    Click here for the graphical output of this example (link to Ro.S.A. website).

  • The same histogram is now plotted with different colors.
  • figure;
    y = randn(500,1);
    groups = randi(4,500,1);
    nbins = 10;
    [ng, hb] = histFS(y,nbins,groups,{'BMW','FIAT','VOLVO','FERRARI'},gca,'kgbr');
    title('FERRARI must be red! Color sequence changed to kgbr','interpreter','latex','FontSize',18);
    Click here for the graphical output of this example (link to Ro.S.A. website).

  • Apply to the grouped histogram the legends of a different plot.
  • Create a scatterplot

    close all;
    y = randn(500,1);
    groups = randi(4,500,1);
    nbins = 10;
    hs = gscatter(1:numel(y),y,groups);
    hfs = gcf;                              % get the handle of the scatterplot
    has = get(hfs,'CurrentAxes');           % it is the same as has = gca
    hlegends  = get(has,'Children');        % get the legend entries
    getleg = get(hlegends,'DisplayName');   % get the names of the legend entries
    getcol = get(hlegends,'Color');         % get the color of the legend entries
    getcolm = cell2mat(getcol);             % arrange the RGB vectors into a matrix
    [ng, hb] = histFS(y,nbins,groups,getleg,gca,getcolm);
    title('Color sequence is taken from the scatterplot','interpreter','latex','FontSize',18);

  • Example with personalised clickable legends.
  • y = randn(500,1);
    groups = randi(4,500,1);
    nbins = 10;
    myleg = {'my group 1' 'my group 2' 'my group 3' 'my group 4' };
    [ng, hb] = histFS(y,nbins,groups,myleg);
    title('Example with personalised clickable legends','interpreter','latex','FontSize',18);

  • Example of weighted histogram.
  • close all;clear all;
    X = crosstab2datamatrix([10 20 30]); X=X(:,2);
    X1 = 444*ones(60,1); X1(40:60)= 999; X1 = shuffling(X1);
    X = X+5;
    if verLessThan('matlab','8.5')
    groups = num2str(X1);
    groups = categorical(X1);
    W = ones(size(X,1),1); W(12) = 100;
    title({'Weighted histograms:' , 'please check with tabulateFS(W) and tabulateFS(X)'},'interpreter','latex','FontSize',18);
    title('Standard histogram','interpreter','latex','FontSize',18);
          6       10     16.67%
          7       20     33.33%
          8       30     50.00%
          1       59     98.33%
        100        1      1.67%
    Click here for the graphical output of this example (link to Ro.S.A. website).

    Input Arguments

    expand all

    y — vector of n elements to bin. Vector.

    Vector which contains the elements which have to be binned.

    Data Types: single| double

    nbins — the number of bins. Scalar.

    The elements of of input vector y are binned into nbins equally spaced containers.

    Data Types: single| double

    gy — identifier vector. Vector.

    Vector of n numeric identifiers for the group of each element in y. If there are k groups in y, unique(gy) = k.

    Data Types: single| double

    Optional Arguments

    gylab — legend labels. String | cell of strings.

    Legend labels identifying the groups of each element in y.

    length(gylab) = length(unique(gy)) must hold.

    If not specified, gylab is set to '' and legends are not displayed.

    If gylab = {}, default legend labels are generated.

    If gylab is a cell of strings of length 3, e.g. gylab = {'G1' 'G2' 'G3'}, such strings are used for the legends.

    Example: {'G1' 'G2'}

    Data Types: cell array of strings or char

    ax — plots into ax instead of gca. Axis handle.

    The axis handle where to plot the grouped histogram (e.g. a traditional histogram plot to be superimposed). Default is gca.

    Example: gca

    Data Types: graphics handle

    barcolors — colors of the bars. char or matrix.

    Vector containing the strings of the colors to use (e.g. 'rgy') or RGB matrix of the colors used for the groups (e.g. [1 0 0; 0 0 1]). If the number of colors supplied is smaller than the number of groups the program displays an error.

    Example: 'rgy'

    Data Types: character or numeric matrix

    W — Weights. Vector.

    Vector which contains optional weights associated to the elements of y.

    Example: [10 20 3000]

    Data Types: numeric vector

    Output Arguments

    expand all

    ng —number of elements in each container for each group. Matrix

    A matrix with a column for each group and a row for each bin. In ng, column i contains the the number of elements of group i in each bin.

    For example ng(2,3) contains the number of elements belonging to the third group included into the second container.

    hb —Handles to the barseries objects. Bar array handles. Vector. A vector


    Tufte E.R. (1983), "The visual display of quantitative information", Graphics Press, Cheshire.

    See Also

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