robCov computes covariance matrix of robust regression coefficients
Under some regularity conditions, robust (S and MM) estimates are asymptotically normal, thereby allowing for Wald-type tests and confidence intervals. The covariance matrix of the estimated parameters \[ cov(\hat \beta)= q^2 \times \sigma^2 \times v \times V_X^{-1} \]
consists of four parts: 1) $q$ a correction factor for the scale estimate;
2) $\sigma$ the scale parameter.
3) $v$ a correction factor depending on the $\psi$ function which is used;
4) $V_X$= a matrix part. For OLS $V_X=X'X$. Given that in robust regression we give a weight to each observation, the matrix $X'X$ should be replaced by something like $X'WX$, where $W$ is a diagonal matrix containing the weights assigned to each observation.
The purpose of this function is to provide the user with different options for the estimate of $cov(\hat \beta)$ where $\hat \beta$ is a vector of regression coefficients obtained using S or MM estimation and a particular $\rho$ function.
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